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"Babe..." Haruto tried to wake up Junkyu from his short sleep.

Junkyu squinted his eyes when he realized that they're still in the library. He was supposed to be studying for his upcoming quiz.

"What time is it?"

"It's 10 minutes before your class babe." Haruto whispered.

"What?!" Shocked because of the time, Junkyu kept his stuff in panick.

"Relax Kyu, you have enough time..." Haruto helped Junkyu with his stuff.

"You should've wake me up Haruto, I didn't had enough time to study last night." Junkyu irritatingly stated.

"But you told me last night you'll stay up all night to study for this quiz?" Haruto confusingly asked. "That's why I didn't wake you up, thinking you didn't had sleep last night." Haruto explained to the latter.

Junkyu who was not fully listening was about to leave when Haruto grabbed his hand.

"Are not telling me something babe?"

"Haruto not now..." Junkyu took his hand back from Haruto's hold and went to his next subject.


"Jihoon what was your answer on the last item?" Doyoung asked Jihoon who was busily scanning his notes if he got his answers right.

"Enterprise Governance of Information and Technology! Yes! I was right!" Jihoon celebrated after finding out he got the hardest part right. He thought that the studying session he and Hyunsuk did last night was worth while, although he had to suffer wearing a turtle neck top right now.

"I got it right too!" Doyoung and Jihoon high fived.

"What item was that? I couldn't recall that from the choices..." Junkyu confusingly asked.

"The last part, on the back of the paper?" Doyoung stated that shocked Junkyu.

"What?!" Junkyu asked again almost shouting.

"Yes it was 10 points pabo!" Jihoon pointed at Junkyu while laughing at how his friend stressed out because he forgot to check the back part of the paper.

Junkyu sat down in frustration and raked his hair in stress. "Fuck!" Junkyu cursed which surprised Doyoung.

"Are you okay Junkyu? You seem out of it." Doyoung worriedly asked Junkyu.

"Yah Doyoung he is always this clumsy... What are you talking about?" Jihoon still laughed about Junkyu's situation when Junkyu slammed his table.

"Can you just fucking shut up?!" Junkyu frustratingly shouted at Jihoon who was laughing earlier but has a sterned face now.

"I was just joking, did you have to shout?!" Jihoon asked back in a loud voice.

Junkyu packed his things and turned his back to the two without looking back, Jihoon was about to catch him up when Doyoung stopped him.

"Jihoon hyung, let him be... He must've had a hard day."

When Junkyu finally exited the room, he saw Haruto a feet away waiting. Junkyu let out a sigh massaging his temple, he walked straight to the hallway where Haruto was and gave the tall one a glance.

"Junkyu!" Haruto called out when he noticed Junkyu.

"Babe..." Haruto followed Junkyu's steps in fast pace. Junkyu once again let out a loud sigh, and finally stopped to turn around facing Haruto.

"Look I'm sorry about earlier, I just got worried that you didn't have enough sleep these days." Haruto explained calmly, not wanting to say something to Junkyu again.

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