Chapter 1 : Confession

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They were classmates in elementary school when Naruto first saw Sasuke and immediately felt drawn to him.

He's had a crush on the raven ever since the tender age of 6, but he would only look at him from afar and never really tried to get close to him.

They even graduated from the same middle school and now they were in the same highschool, in the same class, sitting right next to each other.

But they were only mere acquaintances, nothing more nothing less.

So when they were left alone in the classroom, Naruto wasn't really thinking much and casually blurts out, "Sasuke.. I bet you never noticed but I've had a crush on you since 1st grade..", he glances at the raven who was seated next to him, and puts away the notes that he held, getting up to leave, "Sorry for suddenly telling something like this, you can just forget about it", he grinned guiltily, walking away.

He wasn't really expecting anything when he said that, so he was beyond surprised at what he heard next.

Sasuke who quickly put away the notes he held too, hurriedly got up to follow after him.

Before the blonde left the classroom Sasuke stops him in his tracks as he voices out loud, "Wait..! Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Naruto who stopped at the door upon hearing this, turns around to face the raven, looking as surprised as he felt.

Sasuke waited for a response with an ever serious face - or rather a poker face, Naruto couldn't really tell.

"..A date?", the blonde voiced after a while, as if he wasn't sure if he heard it right.

"A date", Sasuke confirms, his voice resonating confidence.

"Why..?", Naruto was genuinely confused.

"because I've always been interested in you, and I'm genuinely happy that you like me...", Sasuke trailed off, suddenly nervous after being so honest.

Naruto felt his cheeks get warmer, he scratched the back of his head, mumbling bashfully, "..'like' is a bit much, it's just a crush.. If anything, it's just your looks that I like.."

Sasuke smirked amusedly, "that's awfully honest of you"

Naruto shrugged, grinning sheepishly, "In all honesty, I don't know you enough to like you yet"

"Do you want to get to know me better then?", Sasuke was serious, and Naruto could tell.

"I would love to..", he trailed off, heart beating wildly in his chest.

"So... Is it alright to assume that you're ready to go on that date with me?", he persisted.

Naruto nodded, "Yeah..", he grinned happily. But his speeding heart and redish cheeks made it look like a shy grin.

Sasuke smiled gently, almost gratefully. He never expected to feel this happy over a single date.

They exchanged numbers and made plans to meet up over the weekend. But since the weekend was still a few days away, they planned to have lunch and walk back home together.

It was simple, almost too eventless, but still felt unusually special, so much that they both ended up feeling quite ecstatic.

The day before the date, Sasuke couldn't help but call him.

Naruto was already so nervous that he almost threw his phone away startled when he saw the raven calling him - almost, thankfully he barely stopped himself from actually throwing it.

They both awkwardly talked about  their date plans for the next day and Sasuke admitted honestly about how he's never been on one before.

Naruto giggled, suddenly feeling less nervous and talked about how nervous he was cause he too has never been on a date before.

They talked about pointless things until late in the night, and only went to bed a little bit after midnight.

Rather than the nervousness they were feeling before, they were feeling too giddy and excited to fall asleep now.

Lovers -A SasuNaru Love Story-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant