Chapter 5 : Sleep Over

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Ever since coming out to Kiba, Sasuke and Naruto didn't even try to hide the fact that they're dating so eventually it became a norm that everyone just accepted.

After all, even Sasuke's fangirls were successfully converted into SasuNaru fangirls and whole heartedly became a complete Fujoshi. So even if there were people who found it sickening or felt uncomfortable about it they had no other choice but to just ignore it all the best they can while minding their own business, unless they wanted all those fangirls racking havoc in their lives that is. Fangirls are the scariest when you insult their OTP and Oshi.

(A/N : If you didn't understand the meaning of these slangs and abbreviations used here, the explanation is provided at the very end, hope that helps a bit❤❤❤)

So the lives of our main characters went on completely eventlessly, so much that they were able grow unbelievably closer in just a month.

They had around 6 dates in just 4 weeks by going on one every chance they got, stayed stuck to the hip all the time until they had no choice but to part ways when going back home. Since there was nothing stopping them from doing what they want, they flirted like hell and had the most lovey-dovey lovers' banters that could ever exist.

But dispite having grown this close, they only ever kissed that one time after their first date and hugged a couple of times - without a care for Time, Place and Occasion, of course.

So now, after a whole month of dating Sasuke, Naruto couldn't help but wonder to himself, 'Is it okay to go on like this..?'

Not that he was bothered about them taking it slow, morelike, that was what he'd hoped for too. But now, it just felt a little too slow.. No, but maybe it just feels this slow because they got so comfortable with each other way sooner than expected... But still, he at least wants another kiss..!

And yet, he was just to embarrassed to initiate it himself...

The dialemas of his life-

He sighed to himself...

Sasuke eyed him worriedly. They'd went to a thriller/romance movie a few days back and he got them simple matching bracelets to celebrate their one month anniversary then but was that maybe not enough..? Naruto has been strangely bothered about something since their last date. Was the movie a bad choice after all..? It was kinda too gorey as well...

Sasuke eyed him worriedly again, even though he tried asking what was bothering the blonde so much, he never got a proper reply. Naruto just sheepishly laughed it off saying it was nothing and immediately changing the topic.

How worrying, Sasuke was terribly worried that he made a huge blunder and Naruto might be contemplating breaking up with him, Sasuke paled for a bit as he thought this but then remembered the times Naruto had happily expressed wanting to be with him forever and thought that it's definitely impossible for the blonde to think of breaking up with him so lightly, it's obvious that they love each other a lot after all - He smirked to himself proudly.

But then, what in the world was bothering his blonde in the end..?

And he was back to square one.

Ah, what a dialema he was facing...

By the time their school ended and it was time for them to go back home, Sasuke had made up his mind.

"Naruto, do you want to stay over at mine today..?", Sasuke asked in all seriousness.

Naruto coughed, startled enough to choke on his own saliva, "huh..?", he voiced weakly.

Sasuke rubbed his back, genuinely concerned, "Are you okay? Shall I get you some water??"

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