Chapter 3 : Going To His House

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"Hey Sasuke, maybe I should just go back home..?", Naruto was getting cold feet after coming this far.

"Don't worry, they're definitely gonna love you", Sasuke reassured him urging him to enter the front yard of his house.

"Sasukeee", Naruto whined trying to pull back.

"Relax, it'll be fine", Sasuke stood behind him holding his shoulder and giving a little push from behind.

"Hey... I just remembered, we're still wearing the couple tees, we'll be outed right off the bat", Naruto said nervously.

"they'd know either way cause I already told them I was going on a date today... Mainly cause I wanted to get my brother to help me pick out my clothes", Sasuke admitted reluctantly, trying his best to be honest.

"So you not only made a mess out of your closet but you even got your brother to help out, I'm so touched that you tried so hard to look good for me", Naruto teased, as he leaned back on the hands that held his shoulders.

"Of course I did, it was my first date with my ideal lover, I wanted to do my best to hold on to you", he admitted honestly with a light smile.

Naruto felt his heart skip a beat and blushed, "My teasing just backfired on me", he whined.

Sasuke chuckled, "Good, that means I had my revenge"

(A/N : FYI, He's talking about when he tried to tease naru by asking him "You mean my looks?", in chapter 2 and got all shy himself when naru admitted honestly about finding him "freaking gorgeous")

"Hmph", Naruto acted annoyed, stalling for time because he was honestly still too nervous to enter Sasuke's house.

"Now then, why don't we enter?", Sasuke completely ignored his attempt to stall.

Naruto made a pitiful face but decided to suck it up and go for it.

Sasuke took a hold of his hand as soon as they reached the door, giving it a reassuring squeez.

Naruto felt more shy about this but it definitely felt too good to let go.

As soon as they announcend their arrival at the door, a taller young man came out of what looked to be the living room.

"Oh, welcome, you must be Naruto, I didn't think I'd get to meet you so soon, please come in and make yourself at home", he greeted with a pleasant smile.

"This is Itachi, my older brother", Sasuke added an introduction.

"It's very nice to meet you, brother", Naruto exclaimed nervously, bowing politly.

"it's a pleasure to meet you too, my little brother has been in your care", itachi bowed back just as politely.

"Not at all, I'm the one in his care", Naruto was trying to be as polite as possible.

Sasuke gave a little pat to his shoulder as he said, "let's go in"

Itachi added, "Mom and dad went out to buy some things so just head on upstairs, let me know if you want some snacks, I'll get it up", he offered politely.

"Nah, we'll be in the living room, do you want something, Naruto?", Sasuke asked as he led him to the living room right by the entrance - His bedroom was too messy at the moment there's no way he could let Naruto see that mess he'd made in the morning and it also felt a little wrong to take his lover to his room after just one date, even though he really had no other ulterior motives.

"No, thank you, we already ate so much at the theater, so I'm still full from that", Naruto refused politely, genuinely feeling too full for any type of snacks. He relaxed a bit as he said this to Sasuke.

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