Episode two: part three

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Luella waved, until the pair disappeared into the lashing rain, she then stood one foot out to reach the open door handle, whining when she shoe splashed into a muddy puddle

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Luella waved, until the pair disappeared into the lashing rain, she then stood one foot out to reach the open door handle, whining when she shoe splashed into a muddy puddle.

"Gross," she commented, dragging out the o.

Luella groaned, as the mains doors to the ballet studio jammed once again, she huffed and walked out quickly, to lift the old wood on its hinges slightly, moving it along it way, before quickly slipping back inside. She huffed, her feet now cold and wet. Lu shivered from the chill down her back, and the rain droplets that trickled along her face.

Luella glanced down to see the floor around the entrance was soaked with mud from shoes and puddles from the lashing rain. The girl cringed before strolling around the reception desk, jiggling the door handle to the storage closet until it opened with a creak. Luella reached out and grabbed a large towel, the seams on it sticking out and the once bright coloring, faded. Three other towels of the same condition, lay folded on one of the many shelf's, only kept there for the dirty jobs.

Luella walked back out of the room swiftly, scrunching up her face in disgust as she wiped up the soaking mess on the floor. As she muttered about investing in a mat, Luella scratched the top of her spine. Then glanced up at the door, just before a loud knock rung through the wood.

Luella smiled, expecting to open the door and find one of her ballet students admitting to forgetting something, but as she pushed the cold, damp towel out of the way to open the door once again, she was only met with the darkness of the late afternoon, and heavy rain.

Luella stuck her head out to check around the door, but nobody was in sight. She huffed, her warm breath visible in the icy temperature.

"Pas effrayant du tout," (not creepy at all), she muttered to herself, shutting the door once again, locking it, planning on exiting out the back. Luella made her way around the desk, to where her father Louis had left the computer open before he left with Annie, Luellas mother, for date night, leaving Lu to close up as usual.

Luella clicked out of the open files and shut the device down, before strolling into the girls dressing rooms, to change out of her leotard and tights. As she went to lower one of the straps to the leotard, a loud bang sounded out in the hallway, where she had stood just moments ago.

Luella frowned and briskly walked out to check what had fallen over, but everything seemed perfectly in place. Luella bit her lip, her paranoia creeping in, then shook her head with an eye roll, to rid herself of such thoughts.

But Luellas whole body froze, goosebumps spreading across her skin like a liquid, when she caught sight of a fairly large dent, coming down from the ceiling. The floor under the dent, had a small puddle of water gathering, so Luella sucked in a shaky breath, trying to calm herself down before going to get a bucket to place under the new leak.

When the drops of water clanged off the bottom of the metal bucket, Luella forced herself to give a small smile, shaking off her paranoia.

"Ce n'est probablement rien," (it's probably nothing), Luella sighed out, shaking her arms to rid the bumps that littered her body. She gulped and went to change once again, thinking they would just deal with the dent tomorrow, but a lump formed in her throat as the splashes of the water hitting the bucket, seemed to get louder and louder, deeper and deeper, sounding thick and heavy.

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