Chapter 2

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Dream was currently passed out on Quackity's back. Well you see here once Dream passed out Quackity has been carrying him ever since it's been almost a day since they started running it was 7:37 when the announcement came by through the entire Dream Smp that Dream has escaped and that Quackity was the one who helped. How do they know you may ask, easy, cameras. Now half of the dsmp members are after Dream and Quackity. Now it is currently 12:03 in the afternoon when all of the sudden Dream wakes up and starts freaking out how in the mother fucking world is he outside of the goddamn nasty ass prison. Oh, wait yeah I escaped with Quackity wait- 

"Dream can you get down already my back is hurting cause of you we ran over more than 30 miles last night and we still have more to go since we still are in the zone of the smp we need to get out of the zone ya know? DReam? Helllllo? Blob dude?"






"BWHAHAHAHHAHA" they started laughing together noticing how stupid they were just causing Dream fell oh god it is just like the good old days where everything was all nice and calm. Right, it's actually not like that anymore, Quackity thought while dream was still wheezing in the background, noticing the mood of change that was replaced on Quackity he got concerned. Why? He doesn't know, why he keeps getting concerned for the raven-haired boy that's right in front of him.

"hey Quackity, you okay?" Dream asked softly 

"Oh yeah yeah, oh here's the revival book I wanted to say sorry for all I have done to you and I didn't mean to hurt you, okay, Look I made a deal with Schaltt that if I won the poker game he can stop haunting me but if he wins I have to get the revival book an- and bring him back to life, but I noticed that the deal was so stupid like what good would I get from it like we were such good friends before kind of not really though now that I think about it more" Dream snickered at that. "but look I'm sorry I really am I understand if you can't forgive me but I'm glad you were able to just listen to me and hear my apology I understand if I cant be forgiven and that you might still be mad at me, but I sure d hope we can be friends again and-"

"I forgive you Quackity and of course we can be friends again, I knew you has a reason for the book and I knew it wasn't for power I knew something was wrong, your still in the wrong for doing that but I forgive you I've done way worse so I forgive you love- I mean Quackity" Dream clears his throat and starts walking ahead as if nothing ever happened leaving a questionable duck behind.

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