Questions and Coffee

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The hammock swayed gently as the sun filtered through the canopy of the trees all around hues of red and gold and brown, wind kicking up swirls of leaves. So peaceful. So comforting. So… wrong? The hammock began shaking harder while growing cold and wet, the canopy seeming to be engulfed in the light. The forest disappeared as I was startled awake.

Seb was looming over me. noticing I was awake he signed “This isn’t your bed stupid.”  

Seb had been my best friend since kindergarten when we were paired in class. The teacher decided I would be a bigger help than an interpreter. We think she just didn’t want anyone who could tell the principal she was a lousy excuse for a teacher to be in her room.

“Brain to ears” Seb signed after lightly smacking my forehead.

“Sorry, crazy night. More info and coffee inside” I signed back.

I don’t know what happened last night. It couldn’t be real. Could it? Rubbing my face I tried to remember everything that had happened. 

Seb tapped my arm before signing” What’s with the tattoo? You said we would get matching ones!” Trying to look offended he continued “ Did you get blackout drunk and make bad decisions without me!”

“Coffee first. Questions second.” I signed making my way towards the coffee pot rubbing the inky black raven tattooed across my wrist. “The usual?”

Sitting down with our coffee I started recounting the past two days. The quiet kitchen undisturbed by the methodist movement of arms.

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