Moonlit Cigar Smoke

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Just shy of a month had passed with no Johny doe’s, no ravens, no broken glass, okay well some broken glass. In my defense wet plates are slippery and Seb should know better than to sneak up on me. 

With the full moon tonight I’m worried that whatever weirdness happened last month will happen again. In preparation, Seb got a net and a cage and we are camping in the backyard.

At midnight the raven showed up. Seb quickly caught it and caged it looking scared but pleased. Not that I would admit it to him but he is handling it better than I am. 

“Why won’t you leave me alone?” I signed.

“I told you. He chose you”

“Who is he? Why would he choose me? What did he even choose me for?”

“He is the eldest of them. He chose you for your kindness and your resolve... You are a gardener, a guardian, a guide. You help souls move on after death.”

Seb’s confusion mirrored my own.

“You are the next grim reaper to stand in the line of duty. You will lead souls to their afterlife. “

“Look, I really don’t have time for this. I have work tonight and I just want to sleep.” I signed.

“Look kid,” He thought pointedly “this is what you were born to do. This is your destiny. This is-”

“No thank you. I’d rather not be your chosen one. Pick someone else.” I signed my hands shaking, fear and anger rising in my chest. Seb put his hand on my shoulder.

“It’s not up to you and it’s not up to me. Like it or not you are a reaper. Now you listen to me good. I did not choose you but I offer you powers over life and death. Some call me a demon others an angle othe-”

“I’m agnostic!” I yelled as I pulled the ring off my finger feeling a strange warmth leave me as I did so and threw it as hard as I could.

“Lot of good that did you. It’ll be back by mornin’. You can’t escape your role.”  He thought seeming very much like if he had hands he would be lighting a cheap cigar.

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