Saphires and silver

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A few days later I was restocking wood by the fireplace when Nan looked up over her book on herbal medicines like I had cursed her baking. “You’ve done something! Come here. Give me your palm.” The tone reminded me of every scolding I’d ever received. 

Sitting in the chair next to hers I held out my right palm as she Pulled out a pair of glasses with lenses that looked like big sapphires cut thin enough to see through framed by silver. Replacing her reading glasses with the odd ones she gently took my hand turning my palm back and forth while tracing the lines before saying. “ You have been messing with magic. Pulling energy to your hand. Why? What have you been doing Jack?” She said, “Give me the other one”. 

Holding out my left hand she gasped “ Jackson Alistair Finis! What have you done? This ring is tied to many dark things and that tattoo is one. Explain yourself”

I started telling her about all that had happened with her poking at the tattoo and occasionally marking notes down on the blank page at the back of her book.

“That creature. Call for it,” she said, pulling a bag of crystals from the pocket of her too-big robes. 

There was a crash at the window and my wrist lit up in pain. 

“Help your Nan to the door, would you?” she said, reaching for her gnarled stick of a cane. At the door she stopped handing me the book and pen.” Be a dear scribe for me”.

As Nevar came into view from around the side of the cottage Nan straightened up and he froze.” Name yourself and your master foul creature.” she snapped.

“I am Nevar the raven of reapers. I am of the Morrigan though I have no master. I am beholden to your grandson. And your name?”  He said ruffling his sleek black feathers.

“I am someone you don’t want to make mad little bird. I will not give you my name but you may call me Nan.” 

“Well, Nan you hag. I don’t care much for talking across wards so either meets me on this side or invite me in.” he thought, pecking at an invisible barrier.

Nan poked at him with her cane before turning around and going back to her chair.”If you swear no harm against me and mine I will give you, Nevar raven spirit of dullahan, permission to enter.”

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