Pirate queen

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The yearly pirate palooza was in full swing with half the town drunk by the lake. Why the town has an annual pirate-themed event is anyone's guess, mine being that people just really want an excuse to drink. 

I watched the stage from the medic tent as five women dressed like pirates came on stage carrying instruments and one that sat behind the drums. They introduced themselves as the Pirate Queens before launching into a song about Anne Bonney. 

The crowd was growing as the lead singer's voice wrapped around people's heads and pulled them in. Song after song more people gathered.

 I found myself leaving the tent and pushing my way to the stage. The lead singer seemed to stare right into my soul as her voice rose and fell like waves. Everything but the singer faded away as my heartbeat crashed against my ribs and Every breath tasted like salt spray. 

The song ended and the next began without my notice. I could have stood there forever feeling like I drank way too much rum but Sebs Gib-slap brought me back to my senses. 

“What are you doing? You’re supposed to be at the medic tent” He signed

“What else? Listening to the band. They’re really good” I replied, feeling my attention drifting back to the singer.

“ I’ll take your word for it. Get back to the tent before someone bleeds out drunk idiots with swords are everywhere” he signed rolling his eyes.

The rest of the night Was full of bandaging minor stab wounds and alcohol poisoning. The flow of people kept me from getting pulled back to the stage much to my disappointment. 

After the band finished and the crowd dispersed I was packing away the supplies when the singer came to the tent.

“Can you fit one more patient in before you go?” She asked.

“I dunno, I'll have to check and see. I mean It’s pretty booked.” I laughed gesturing to the empty stations in the tent.

“What if I told you I can show you a real pirate ship?

“How do I know you’re not getting me near water to drown me. Wouldn’t be hard with that siren's voice of yours.” I joked with a wink.

“I guess you’ll just have to hope for the best.”

“Alright, what brings you to my humble tent?” 

“Halfway through the show, I started feeling weird like something was missing from my chest”

“You can never be sure around pirates. Hop up here and I’ll do a full check-up to make sure no one stole anything”

“Bold words for someone with sticky fingers”

“I can assure you my fingers are not sticky. I wash them regularly”

“If you’re as good at being a medic as you are making jokes I’m in good hands”

“Your vitals are good. Your heart rate is a little high but i suppose giving a concert like that would do that”

“I’m sure something is missing. How about this give me your hand” she said pulling a sharpie out of her boot “ keep an eye out for anything that might belong to me.” 

“Will do. Now go home and get some rest you look exhausted and drink this on your way dehydration sucks.” I said, handing her a bottle of water.

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