This is Going to Feel Weird

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Feeling alone and overwhelmed and scared, I did the best thing to cheer myself up. Seek help from a trained professional? Call off work and take a me day? No. I texted Seb asking if he would come over when he had free time. 

Half an hour later he came breezing into the house with coffee and pastries from my favorite coffee shop across town. 

Digging into the delicious cream cheese and strawberry-filled pastries Across the table from Seb I filled him in.

“So Johnny Doe isn’t alive” Seb signed, ending with a look of confusion” was he alive, to begin with?”

“I don’t know what the bird said… stuff I don’t know how to properly sign, hang on,” I replied, pastry dangling from my mouth as I grabbed my laptop and started typing.

“What happens if you accept it and don’t do anything with it?”

“I don’t know. Is that even a thing I can do?”

“Yes, it is. Or at least it is as long as you refuse to help souls move on, and as long as you don’t encounter something darker.”

“Oh great, it's been eavesdropping.” Seb signed, scowling. 

“Okay fine. I accept whatever this crap is.”

“Great. Then I Nevar, mentor, power giver, and good-looking fella formally accept you, Jack Finis, as my host. My champion. MY Próte-”

“Yeah Yeah whatever, save the speech and do whatever it is so I can get ready for work.” Snapped Hoping he understood facial expressions enough to know I’d cook him for dinner served with stuffing.

“Alright. Sheesh, impatient Much. Hold still this is gonna feel weird. Oh and maybe you will want to go outside so there isn’t a mess on your floor.”

Seb and I looked at each other Before getting up and going out the back door.

Standing in the middle of the yard I braced myself for whatever was about to happen. 

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