Marbles and Mortal Coils

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Over the next couple of months, I saw countless people get close to the end. A Few times I could see their... Spirit? Soul?... whatever it is that takes form as they start to pass. Nevar taught me how to hold this in place in the body using myself as an anchor after weeks of me nagging him and refusing to help them move on if I ever did have to, luckily he relented before i had to put that to the test complaining about how it keeps them past their time and cosmic problems blah blah blah. 

In the icy turn of winter, we had a patient go unresponsive. Unlike most of the Souls... Souls, Yeah I guess I'll go with that. Most souls weakly pool out of the body like they’re fighting to stay. For them, I channel energy into my hands to create a barrier as I’m doing CPR and they absorb part of it which helps them dig deeper. With this one it didn’t try to stay, it clawed and dragged its way out. All of the energy I tried to use to keep it in place got sucked away as it fought harder to get out.

 After an hour of everyone trying to save him, the spirit broke free with what felt like a scream in my being. Before I could do anything he was gone and so was his spirit.

Exhausted, I found an empty room. With a tingle in my wrist, Nevar swooped out of the shadow behind the door. 

“What was that and why do I feel like I’m covered in claw marks?” I said looking at my arms where I felt gashes. 

“That is someone who didn’t want to keep living. Some people are so tired of life that their souls can’t wait to get out. You met a rough one. Most are too weak from battling sickness to fight so they just limp along. This one though, his problem was deeper than the body.”  he thought in my head while laying his head on my arm in a way he probably thought was comforting.

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