Chapter 3 - Revitalize

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One Week Later

I'm still getting used to being undead. My mom's warmed up to it more now, she seems more like her normal self. That "humanity" thing not only restored my looks, but my emotions too! I wonder if I can find more of those somewhere, just in case I die again. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but better safe than sorry.

I grabbed some money and walked out the door. We're running out of of food, with the whole "not going anywhere for a week because I came back from the dead" thing going on.

Walking down the sidewalks, more than a few heads turn. I really should've expected this, since it wasn't huge news, but it is well known. All Might was too late to save a local quirkless boy, who died minutes after a sludge villain was defeated. What a fitting legacy to have...

I turned a few corners onto a less populated path. A wave of gloom spread over me, with the self-deprecating thoughts speaking all too loudly. I was lost in my thoughts, and then...

"Midoriya? What in the..."

I was pulled out of my trance and looked over to see a frail, almost skeletal man with unkempt blonde hair standing next to me. Stranger even than the fact he knew my name, was the look of sheer confusion on his now pale face.

"H-how are you... alive?"

"Uh, How do you know me?"

He looked confused for a second, before what looked like realization washed over him.

"I'm... the guy who saved you."

What? All Might was the one who saved me, not this random guy. Well, come to think of it, he does look kinda like a really skinny, homeless version of him, and he's about as tall to boot...

"I'm All Might."

What... how? There's no way, I know he looks similar, but there's no way THIS is All Might! He's skinnier than I was before I found the humanity!

"There's no way, you can't be him! You're so skinny and frail, and All Might's so... not!"

"Trust me, we're the same person... as for how, well..."

He lifted up the side of his shirt to reveal a massive scar covering almost half of his entire torso. It was deep purple, and looks like it must have destroyed his insides. Just the sight of it made me sick to the stomach. Did he get shot with a cannon or something?

"Not a pretty sight, is it? 5 years ago, I got seriously injured while fighting a villain. Because of it, I can only be in my muscle form for about 3 hours a day. The rest of the time, I'm like this."

Um... Yeah, that would explain it. Makes sense he'd want to keep this a secret unless necessary. My god, how powerful must this villain have been to do this?

"But that's not important. What is important is, how are you alive? I was there when you died, and I saw you fade... away... what happened to you?"

"Um, w-well, I woke up at a bonfire I found in the forest a few years ago, and I've kinda just been staying at home since then. Apparently I do actually have a quirk, despite my diagnosis saying otherwise. Pretty excited honestly!"

"Well... That's good, then. At least it means you're safe. I was pretty torn up after seeing you... die... Even for me, as long as I've been a hero, it's never easy seeing someone die right in front of you."

Wow, he looks so distraught... maybe I should thank him for trying to save me, it's the least I could do.

"Well, I'm alive now, so there's no use dwelling on it. Anyway, I've been meaning to thank you. You tried so hard to save me after the villain attacked, and I don't know how to really repay you for it."

A little glint of light flashed across his sunken, beady eyes.

"So selfless... there's nothing to repay me for kid, I wasn't able to save you. But like you said, there's no use dwelling on it."

Alright, he's got a point, I did say that. Well, I've still got some food to buy, so I guess I should say goodbye now.

"It was nice catching up, All Might. I've got to shop for a bit, so I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, alright. See you later, young Midoriya."

What a nice guy. I mean, I guess it does make sense, he IS the #1 hero in the world. I'm looking forward to talking to him again soon.

Wait, didn't I hear something about him applying to teach at U.A.? Since I have a quirk now, I might be able to make it through the entrance exams! Plus I have the armor and sword, so robots shouldn't be a huge problem, as long as they're not too big. Alright, U.A., here I come!

Oh, and the mall too.

"Alright, follow this path, and... there it is!"

Back at the bonfire again. Warm and comforting as ever, this really is my sanctuary.

As I looked into the flames, I saw something in it, what looked like a white little wisp of fire, fading into existence.

"What is that?"

As the wisp became fully visible, it slowly drifted out if the flame, and into my hands. As it touched my palms, I braced myself for another vision, but it never came.

Instead, the wisp simply passed into my hand. As it did, I felt something odd, like I was suddenly more... whole than I was before. Like whatever that wisp was is something that I've been missing my whole life, something that I've needed. I felt a bit more powerful with it, and more complete. More like myself.

As my mind danced around the thoughts like the flame did to the coiled sword, they all began to focus on one word. One single word, perfectly encapsulating what the wisp was, and why it felt like it was always a part of me.


Why hello again! I know the wait since the last rewrite hasn't really justified how little there is here, but I've been juggling around ideas for a bit now, and trying to place some of them in to this chapter took a bit of time, but it didn't work, so I did something else which I think makes up for it.

Anyways, a few questions you may have, answered like the psychic I am:

No, that wasn't a lord soul, just a regular one. I'm not going for an OP Izuku just yet, but he definitely will be later on. I mean, he is gonna get lord souls later, but that's going to take a long time.

No, he isn't getting OFA. That's too much power, especially right now, and it would also subtract a LOT from the story I'm trying to lay out here.

And a little thing that I may or may not have put in the tags (I've legitimately forgotten) is that this story will have Izuocha in it. And speaking of the Ocha side of that, she's going to have much more importance than just being Izuku's girlfriend or something. What exactly that entails, I'll leave you to think about.

Praise the sun \[T]/

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