Chapter 4 - The Darkness

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As the fire's light reaches a new world, the old one bleeds in through the link of the bonfire. And as the age of dark prevails in the old world, the ancient darkness will begin to spread anew...

In a cavern deep in an unnamed forest of rural Japan, a primordial darkness begins to manifest in the endless depths. As this abyss takes form, and it's corruption seeps into the ground, a skeletal, corrupted hand crawls out of the pools of rampant humanity. As the Darkwraith manifests into it's new world, it is quickly drawn to the flame, and the souls it has created. And with this, it begins to climb it's way out of the cavern, to snuff out the light in the distance.

Izuku's POV

It's been about a month since I met All Might, and he's been in contact with us since then. It's a dream come true for me, my idol since childhood, and I'm actually able to talk to him! REGULARLY!

Ok Izuku, quit nerding out, calm down...

My dream still stands. I'm going to apply for U.A., but, well, I'm honestly a bit weak. The soul seemed to have made me a bit stronger, but it was far from enough, and I really can't count on finding more souls, because I don't think many exist.

So instead, I've decided to clean up Dagobah beach. The place has been trashed for years now, and no one's done anything about it. So, on top of needing to train, it would also be a good first heroic act, and I bet the locals would really appreciate it. And I even got All Might to help me train!

Also, I've gotta train myself with my new sword. It's just a pretty regular straight sword, with a golden guard. doesn't seem too special, but I feel like it isn't at it's full power yet, for some reason. Anyways, I started practicing with it at the bonfire, and I've set up some straw dummies there. I seem to be improving, but the armor is a bit heavy. At least I can see perfectly through the visor of the helmet, somehow. I'll need to figure out how that works later.

As I was practicing with my sword like normal, I felt a dark presence, an all-encompassing weight, as if something inexplicably evil was near. As I turned around to see what was causing it, a well-built skeletal figure emerged from the woods, seemingly emanating darkness from around it.

As I looked at it, I felt a fear like I've never felt before. Not even the sludge villain made me this scared. Every one of my senses was telling me that this thing was wrong, that it shouldn't exist. As it looked to me, it let out an unearthly shriek, and began running at me.

As it swung it's sword downwards, I jumped to the side, narrowly dodging it. As soon as I got up, I felt a hand grabbed me, and as the thing lifted me up with inhuman strength, it began to seemingly drain me of... well, life, I think. When I got back up, I felt weakened, and I was in so much pain I could barely move. As I pulled myself up, I was barely able to block its sword with my shield, and as I did, I was knocked a few feet back.

"AAAAAHHH! My god, that hu-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence, before it lunged forward, and I felt the most intense pain of my life, right in my chest. As I looked down, I saw that it had stabbed right through me, with my blood pouring out of the wound. As it pulled it's sword out and kicked me away, I felt my consciousness slip away, as the pain in my chest became too agonizing to bear. I remember coughing up blood, before falling unconscious, and finally dying.

And then I woke up at the bonfire again.

I was still in my armor, and still had my weapons. Best part was, I was completely healed. But... the skeleton-man was still there,  at the edge of the forest where it had killed me. As I got up, it let out another shriek, and charged at me once again.

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