Saviour- Chapter 8: Watermelon and Pall-Malls

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        I popped my watermelon gum as I shoved another pair of skates back into their slot. "Another day, another dollar."

        "How many times you gonna tell yourself that, doll?" the other worker Marie asked.

        "Til I get enough to get out of here, doll." I answered with a laugh. If you haven't guess by now I work at a roller skating rink after school. Its not too bad but when they plop me behind the counter and play that pop shit it does get a little agitating.

        I haven't ran into Clumsy in over a week and Chuck's message still sends shivers down my spine. I asked Dusky if she knew him or Chuck but her word were "By the way you described them they're hot but sorry, not hots guys that I know." So yeah, trying to find Clumsy and ask him what that was all about isn't guaranteed to happen anytime soon.

        "Uhm, hello? 2 people here needing skates." a blonde girl said from the counter.

        I walked over an took her shoes and tickets. "Sizes?"

        "Look at the shoes, freak." she laughed along with her friend.

        I gritted my teeth and walked over to the 6's isle looking around for a half size. "Freak, how original." I shook my head and grabbed her and her friends shoes. "Here you are. Quick tip, when you trip lean froward so you land on your front. You obviously stuffed bras will provide padding." I said with a smile and walked away.

        It was like that for the next hour, people coming and going and me replacing my gum about 4 times. Damn watermelon never lasts long enough. My break was coming up in a about 20 minutes and I couldn't wait to walk out into the brisk night and light up. But sadly, that plan was thwarted.

        "Raine!", my boss called from entrance, "I need you to go out on the floor. Jerry is going to be late. Some prima-donna girlfriend meltdown he's having." I was about to throw a fit but the look on his face had stopped me. I sighed and gave in, going out on the floor for 30 minutes or so wasn't going to kill me. So I grabbed my professional skates and laced up before heading out onto the skating rink. It was Thursday so there weren't that many little kids I had to work to dodge so I was able to skate easily in and out of people, keeping a lookout for people who fell, are injured or are misbehaving but it was a relatively calm night. I had closed my eyes and followed the easy-paced music, popping one open every few seconds to make sure no one was around and everything was still good. And everything was, until I hit something hard and fell on my ass. Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I immediately started apologizing and gripped the wall so I could get up but failed. You ever tried to stand up in skates? Well its hard as fuck so hush. A hand reached out and I took it, talk about déjà vu. "!" In front of me was Clumsy, looking as graceful as a duck in ice-skates on his blades.

        "You has a name you know, and it's not Clumsy either." he said with a smile.

        "Fine, but Chase just doesn't have a nice ring to it like Clumsy does. Besides, it's more fitting for someone like you." and before he could say anything I gently pushed him and he lost his balance and fell.

        "Owww. Fuck that does hurt." he exclaimed.

        I laughed and helped him up. "No shit, Sherlock."

        "Fuck you, Watson." he replied.

        "You couldn't handle it." I said with a wink and skated away.

        "What do you mean I couldn't handle it!?" he yelled from behind me and I laughed. I skated around the rink for a few times laughing every time I saw him trying to skate. "You know, you could help me instead of laughing." he grumbled.

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