Saviour- Chapter One: Introduction

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  Everybody has a story. And each one is usually accompanied by heartache, lies, broken promises and all that other bullshit. Of course they're are a few good things like friends, family, blood or no blood and those few memories that make you smile. But no matter what you still feel like shit, like you are nothing and it was a mistake you were put here, on this damned planet.

  Sorry, I'm ranting. I tend to do that a lot. Back on topic..

  My point is that in one way or another, we all have the same story. So why should mine be told? What makes mine different? Is it because I constantly said, "I'm fine." no matter how much of a lie it was? Because, if so, everyone else does it to. Is it because I bottled everything up or is it because I never gave a flying fuck? Or maybe, it's because of how I died.

  Yes, I am dead. Passed. Moved on to the Other Side. However the fuck you want to put it. Basically my body is buried 6-feet in the ground in a rather ornate coffin and my spirit is up here. Oh don't worry, you still get to look like yourself. In a way. People who were brutally murdered or blown to bits usually come back as their favorite time in life.

  Me? I'm the same, 16 years old and scars to prove my losses. It's not to bad up here, Heaven I mean. At least I'm not lonely. My great grandma is up here with me and I missed her a lot. Also, I know she was my Guardian Angel so now I can thank her for that but it's...cold.

  You think that since it was Heaven it was supposed to be all golden and filled with a warm light and laughter and just..pure. You know? But it's not. Once the fact that your dead hits you, you realize that whatever purpose life had intended for you is gone. You aren't living for anything, anyone and there is absolutely nothing beyond here. Everything is just done. All your hopes, dreams and goals are no longer an option, you can't achieve them. The only left for you to do is think, watch others and catch up with your passed relatives. But really, what is there to catch up on? They're dead and there are only so many stories to tell.

  Anyways I've been thinking a lot since I've died, more than usual. Believe me, that's a lot. Moving on, mostly I've been thinking about the past few weeks before I died. I know, I know, now you probably expect me to go on about it but honestly, I don't feel like going there. And even if I was to tell you, I would go back more than just a few weeks. You honestly want to hear it? Okay, fine. Consider yourself warned.

Author's Note;

So if you guys haven't figured it out by now I'm re-writing Saviour. Yup, chapter-by-chapter and honestly, I'm really liking it so far so tell me what you guys thinks.

Oh, and don't worry. The story line isn't going to change I'm just re-writing the chapters so they are better. And if you guys do prefer the old version I still have it and will put it back.


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