Saviour- Chapter Six

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"So Raine, who do you think I would look better with? Harry, or Draco?" Dusky asked me.

I looked down at her and thought, "Well, you and Harry would look adorable together because you both have dark hair and really pretty blue eyes, but you and Draco would have that whole "Opposites attract" thing going on."

"Hm, I'm thinking Draco because let's face it, he is hot. Plus, he's a bad boy." Dusky said, now laying down on my lap.

"Yeah, if you call sucking up to teachers, being hit by a girl, running from a fight and not even being able to kill someone a "Bad Boy". I scoffed, pushing her off my lap in the process.

She landed with a "thump" and looked at me. "Draco is in no way a pussy!" Dusky protested.

I laughed, "I never said he was a pussy, that was you."

She frowned for a moment before getting me up and pushing me off the couch. "Hey!", I protested, "What the hell was that for?"

Dusky shrugged, "You made me call Draco a pussy." I rolled my eyes and got up and sat next to Carter.

"Ladies, ladies, your both ugly. Get over it." Carter interjected. I turned and smacked him on the back of his head. "Geez! more NCIS!"

I glared at him before returning my attention to Dusky, 'Do you guys have ice cream?"

She laughed, "You know we do."

I turned to Carter and did my puppy-dog eyes, "Please get me some?"

He groaned but got up anyways and I smiled. I should probably explain Carter to you. He really is just your typical guy...not. I've known Carter since I was 5, he is no way near typical. He has these sea-foam green eyes that sparkle in the sun and dirty blonde hair that shags just a little, just enough to make the girls swoon. This is where he differs from other guys, he isn't a player, when he meets a girl he likes he goes all traditional with her and wants a serious, committed relationship. One thing I've always admired about him, another thing is how protective he is of his family, myself included.

I remember one time when Dusky got into a fight with one of her Ex's at a store and her Ex just raised his hand to hit her and Carter was already beating the shit out of him, which is why Dusky and I haven't told him about my dad and we keep it a secret. I know what your thinking, why aren't you pining after Carter? He would treat you like a princess and treat you right and how you deserve to be treated! Here's your answer, I don't like Carter like that, I love him but he is my best friend.

"Here's your ice cream, mint chocolate chip, sprinkles and a gallon of whipped cream." Carter announced, holding the mouth-watering bowl of ice cream in front of me.  

"Thank you!" I said while grabbing my ice cream. I gave him a peck on the cheek and buried my face in ice cream.

"Where's my ice cream!?" Dusky protested from across the room.

Carter exited the room and came back seconds later with the same exact bowl, "Don't be so impatient."

Dusky snatched the bowl from him and started eating the whipped cream, she replied with a muffled "Thank you" before putting a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

We continued watching Harry Potter after Carter was done making himself a milkshake, which in return earned a glare from Dusky, and stayed in silence. My thoughts were drifting back to earlier today and my father. My back still burned but not nearly as much as before, all thanks to Dusky. But my mind was more focused on my dad, not neccesarily on what he has done to me because that's nothing new, but how he could do that to his own daughter. The one he used to take out for ice cream before dinner even though mom said it would spoil my dinner, the one who promised me no harm would ever come to his little girl. Turns out death can change someone real quick. 

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