Saviour- Chapter Five

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"Raine? Raine? Answer me God damn it!" Dusky snapped at me.

I broke out of my trance and looked up at Dusky, worry was evident on her face. I hadn't realized I zoned out. "Sorry." I mumbled.

She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "You were thinking about her, weren't you?" I looked away and that was enough for her. "Raine, I know you miss her, but tormenting yourself isn't going to bring her back." she reasoned.

I glared at her, "You think I don't know that?" I answered more coldly than I expected. She looked taken aback but covered it up. "Look I'm sorry."

She nodded, "It's okay. Now let's get you cleaned up."

I nodded and followed her to the kitchen. During the time when I zoned out she had gotten all the medical supplies and laid them out on the kitchen counters, I zoned in on the curved needles that were laying next to the thread. "No way in hell are you stitching me up."

"My mom showed me how and you need them!" she argued.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "I'll fight you."

She rolled her eyes, "Like I couldn't take you, now turn around."

I stole another glance at the needle before turning around and sitting on one of the stools. I knew better than to fight Dusky, if she wants something she'll do everything in her power to get it, she's stubborn like that but it's one of the things I admire about her.

Dusky stayed silent while working, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I usually love thinking, daydreaming, escaping, but not now. Not when the only thing I could think of was the fact that my was on fire. "Dusky!" I yelled while jumping up. Ow, bad move.

"What?" she asked while putting the cap back on the peroxide.

"Don't "What" me. You poured that on my back!" I yelled.

"Really? I had no idea! I only held the bottle!" she retorted.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked, well more yelled but it felt as if my back was on fire!

"To clean it out! It's probably infected, what knife did he use?" she asked.

I felt so stupid. If he used his work knife I could die of lock jaw, not that I mind but it's a very painful death. I tried to remember, I never saw the knife but I know he flipped it out, his work knife you slide it out. I let out a sigh of relief, "He used the switch-blade."

She looked relieved and went back to get the peroxide, "Thank God."

I sat back down and watched as she poured the peroxide onto a cloth so I wasn't in as direct contact with the liquid fire but that soon got boring. I looked around her kitchen, everything was in order and clean. You could see the neatly stacked dishes through the windows in the cupboard doors, the wine glasses hanging upside down. The spices organized on the spice rack and even some candles with wreaths of fall leaves around them on the counter. Dusky's family was clean, neat and organized if you couldn't tell. I was brought back with fire on my back, I jumped up again. "What the hell!?"

"It wasn't supposed to hurt as much that time." Dusky defended herself.

"My ass it wasn't supposed to hurt as much!" I snapped.

"Raine it needs clean! I only have one more cut to clean, please?" she begged.

"No!" I said while jumping on top of the stool so she couldn't get me.

"Stop being a baby and get down here!" she said.

"Never!" I yelled dramatically.


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