Saviour- Chapter Three

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    Why do we live? What's the point? We are born only to struggle and experience pain and regret, then die. Why be born? Why have 9 kids when you can barely feed one? What's the point of life, to watch our loved ones die? No. It's a game. Life is a cruel game that is playing with Death, and you and me? We are the pieces they play with. 

    These thoughts have been wrestling around in my head for the past hour now and I still had no idea if I was right. It's confusing, life is. Think of all those little, innocent babies, hours after birth they die, and during those hours never receiving the comforts of home. Only harsh hospital lights and machines and tubes. That baby would've been better off not being born at all, instead of experiencing pain it's whole life! And yet we have rapist and murders living just fine when Death took another innocent soul. That's why I'm going to be in charge of my life. End it when I want it, not when someone else does. It's is my life after all.

    My thoughts were interrupted when my bedroom door slammed against my wall. "Fat ass. Get your ass downstairs. Now." the man I call my father growled. I got up and followed him downstairs, putting my guard up as we walked. "Why so quiet? You should be happy to see your father," he said in a taunting tone, "ungrateful bitch."  

    I rolled my eyes, he does this all the time. Trying to get a reaction out of me so I'll snap. I stopped caring a while ago, knowing it only got me into more trouble..but still, I was in a rather sour mood. "Oh I'm sorry Michael, were you talking to me?" 

    I felt his rough hand wrap around my neck before slamming me against the wall. "You seem to have the tendency to forget who your talking to. I think you should be put into your place." he threatened. Next thing I know I was face-down on the ground with Michael putting his weight onto my legs and arms. He lifted up my shirt to reveal my bare back despite my screams and profanities. I heard the sound of his pocketknife as it clicked into place before I felt it in my skin. My instinct was to scream but I ground my teeth together instead, my stubbornness helping me for once. He could harvest my organs and I will still refuse to give the satisfaction of hearing my screams.  Seconds turned to minutes as the cold blade was in my back and it didn't take long for blood to began dripping down my sides and he continued with his work. I started to slip in and out but I held on for dear life, not knowing what would happen if I passed out

     After what felt like years I heard his pocketknife being put away and the weight was off of me. He laughed before kicking me in the ribs and left. I gasped in pain as spots clouded my vision. I laid there until I heard the front door open and close and when it did I tried to get up. Big mistake. The pain was excruciating, as if my back was on fire. I looked around in search of anything that I could use to get me up. I found nothing but the bathroom was at the end of the hall. I propped myself up on my elbows and started painfully crawling there.  

    By the time I got there my elbows were raw and I was exhausted and to top it off, my breathing was off. Great. I lifted up my arm and gripped the bathroom counter, using all my strength I lifted myself up, using my other hand to push me off the floor. I was now leaning over the counter, afraid the straighten my back. Although I'm sure it would hurt the same, I slowly straightened my back. Gasping in pain the whole time and by the time I was done spots took up most of my vision. I closed my eyes and breathed, trying to calm down. Opening my eyes I saw my reflection. Raven black hair and green eyes. I shook my head and began prodding my ribs where the deep purple bruises had started forming. I hissed, damn that hurt. Making a mental note to avoid ribs at all cost I slowly turned around so my back was facing the mirror. Flicking my hair out of the way I looked over my shoulder and my eyes widened. There, dripping in blood was the word, "BITCH".


Yay! New chapter! I originally was going to make it longer but I'm like, "Nah, I'll end it here!" So enjoy!! Hehe and yes I know, I'm evil^-^ and Dedication goes to @KAS1011 because she was the first to vote on my story:)

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