Saviour- Chapter Four

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I took in the damage Michael has caused. Blood was going all down my back and soaking into my jeans. Great, as if I don't have enough bloody clothes, I thought sourly. I shook my head, I have carvings in my back and I'm worried about my clothes, way to sort your priorities. Shaking my head again I focused back on the cuts. I couldn't inspect them as well as I wanted to since they are on my back but luckily, I knew someone who could but I couldn't very well go there with a bloody back. I tried to reach the shelf that held the bandages but as soon as I went to reach up, pain shot up my back. This isn't going to work. I looked around for anything that I could use to get the bandages. Nothing. Looks like I'm just going to have to suck it up and embrace the pain. Well you did say you weren't feeling any pain earlier, the tiny voice in my head reminded me. Great, now I'm hearing things. "Maybe I'll fall and hit my head." I grumbled as I got ready to reach up.

After excruciating pain throughout my back and my teeth throbbing from me biting on them so I wouldn't scream, I was greeted with bandages. Opening the box I laid out the bandage and ditched my shirt, causing me to bite down on my teeth again. I picked up the bandage and wrapped it around me the best I could. Since Michael had carved into my lower back it was fairly easy. Still painful but I adapt to that pretty quickly.

I lowered myself to the ground so I could grab my bloody shirt and threw it in the sink. At this rate I'll never have any clean clothes, I thought. After I had everything cleaned up I took some pain pills and started walking to Dusky's.

I took my time. Making sure I didn't put to much strain on my back and walked slowly. I probably should tell you a little about Dusky. For one, she's my best friend and the only one who truly knows about me and my home life. Even what Michael does to me. Now don't get all pissed at her because she didn't tell anyone, I asked, no I begged her not to. Because I knew that if she did tell someone I would be sent away, to either a distant relative or an orphanage. So she agreed not to say anything to anyone. She's the only one I trust and I can be myself around her. At school I laugh and smile and pretend. That's all it is, just one big act. But with Dusky she gets me.

During my thinking I had reached Dusky's house and made sure no cars were in the driveway, there weren't. So I walked in. I know what your thinking, "Who the hell just walks into people's houses?" yeah well Dusky's family is my second family so shut up.

"Dusky!!!" I yelled through the house.

"In here!" she answered. I followed her voice to the living room where she was currently playing Halo: Reach.

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"What? I got bored." she answered, defensive of her favorite game.

I shook my head and walked towards her, "I need to show you something." with those few words her head snapped away from her game and stood up next to me. "My back." I answered her unasked question and she began rolling up my shirt.

"HOLY SHIT! I'M GOING TO CASTRATE THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!" she yelled once she saw my back after undoing my bad bandaging. I leaned forward as she gently inspected my wound. "Did you even clean it?" she asked me.

I shook my head. "No. After it happened I crawled to the bathroom, wrapped it, changed shirts then came here."

"So he doesn't know your here?" she asked, referring to Michael.

"No. He probably thinks I'm at her grave." Dusky stayed silent knowing who I was talking about.

My mom. The one who kept my family together. Yes we were a family, a happy one at that. A family that would go to Church on Sunday then have a picnic in the park where I would watch how my mom and my father, when I still called him that, would act. They loved each other so much. You could see it in there eyes, the way they walked, like they were teens madly in love. It was so cute, you could see envy in other people's eyes when they walked by with me by their sides. "What a perfect family." they would say. Oh how I loved hearing people say that, and when they did I would smile up at my parents and I would know how loved and lucky I was.

How quickly things changed.

My mom died 2 years ago. During surgery. They say it was an accident, a freak accident. I think it's bullshit but I don't say anything. That was one of the worst days in my life. Playing with my nails in the waiting room while my dad read a magazine about hunting. Then watching as the doctor came out in his white coat, saying something to my dad and watching the life disappear from my dad's eyes, as if he was the one who died. My Grandma came and drove us home and stayed with us for a week, making sure we were fed and taken care for but then she left and that'd when things got worse.

I was cleaning up after dinner one night, scraping the food off of my dad's plate that he didn't touch, again, when I accidentally dropped the plate, causing food and glass to go everywhere. My dad's head snapped up and his eyes turned black and that's when I knew he wasn't my dad anymore. He was a man with no purpose. At first I thought he was going to check to see if I was okay, he didn't. Instead he slapped me across the cheek and started screaming at me. Saying I can never do anything right. That I'm a dumb fuck and worthless. That it should've been me who died and not her.

I didn't bother picking up the glass. Instead I ran barefoot out of the house and down to the graveyard. To my mother's freshly dug grave and collapsed in front of her tombstone, repeatedly saying "Why?" and getting no answer.


Dedication goes to @Tortoro1 for the amazing cover:) and 2 pages!!! Yay!!!!

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