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I stared at Brittany in incredulity, watching her image fade from view as she grew further from the kitchen. Still, I stood there, astounded at how easily she could throw all of our years together as friends away. Is this what I get for trying to be a good friend?

I snatched my keys and purse from the floor and stormed out of her house. I was both disgusted and in distress. I couldn't even comprehend my own thoughts. I was driving myself insane as one thought piled on top of another. But there was one cyclic sensation I couldn't escape: the increase in my heart rate and the shaking in my hands. What the hell was going on with me?

As a firm believer in God, I couldn't understand why I kept digging my own grave. Death seemed nearly difficult to avoid. When I arrived home, I went straight to my room to rest. What would happen now that I was safe in the walls of my own house? Would I be able to put all of my concerns aside, hoping that Brit was simply speaking out of rage? Or would I need to brace myself for a phone call from Brit at any point, indicating that it was time to assassinate someone's husband? I didn't want to go to work the next day since I'd have to see Brit again. With Brit in attendance, I'd lose focus; I'd be too preoccupied with the thought of what happened the night before.

I was so uncomfortable that I almost felt the urge to call for help. I didn't want to talk to Janet and Lauri because they would think that there must be another side to the story, but there was only one sensible side, and it was mine. I had nobody left to speak to, but my parents and-- Joe.

How different would all of this be had I just kissed him? Maybe he would've begun to like me, and I could've had him kill Brit in response to this situation. I mean, since we're murdering our friends nowadays. Life seemed so pointless, then. I didn't have the drive to do anything else. All I wanted to do was sit for weeks and dread waiting for the phone call from Brit saying it was time.

*ring ring* *ring ring*

I guess the wait was over.

I carelessly pulled my phone out of my back pocket. There was no need to worry about what words would come from the other end of the phone. I was already internally destroyed. How nervous should I be if I should be?

I answered the phone and mumbled, "Hello?"

"Hey, Amia," Joe started.

"Hey," I acidly replied.

"About earlier today, I want to apologize if it seemed as if maybe I was moving too fast," He said.

"You don't need to apologize," I started, "I've just never been with or even liked anybody before, so I wasn't sure how to act around you."

"I can show you how it feels to like someone," Joe answered, "Let me take you to dinner tonight somewhere far from here. We can run a part two of the 'getting to know you' game like we did here at the mansion."

I fortuitously smiled.

"That sounds really nice, but today was a pretty tiring day for me, and I'd rather us go tomorrow," I suggested.

"Even better," He started, "That gives me time to be a gentleman to a gentlewoman. See you then," He hung up.

Averting my attention back to Joe lightened my mood a little more. Something about him made me go so soft. I plugged my phone into the charger port and began to undress so that I could take a calm but tense shower. Still, I looked forward to meeting with Josephere tomorrow. I pondered telling him how I felt about him, hoping that his response would help me grow closer to deciding if I wanted to be with him or not.


*beep beep beep*

My alarm clock violently blared around the room. It was 9:00 a.m., and the sun was shining a little brighter than usual. I had a feeling that today would be a terrific day. The only drawback was that I had neglected to notify my supervisor that I would not be in the office today, but who needed me anyway? I hoped Brittany would make up a lie for me, saying that I was out sick; if we were still friends anyway.


A notification from Joe sounded. "Are you awake?" It read.

"Awake and feeling amazing," I replied.

I texted Joe my current location and requested that he pick me up at 10 a.m. This time, I needed to get ready for a date, not some run-down coffee shop. I went through my closet, looking for all of the exquisite clothes I used to wear to homecoming in college. "Should I support the movement today?" I joked. I chose a beautiful, shiny emerald dress from my closet and matched it with gold pumps. A pricey-looking woman deserved a pricey date, and we all know how costly Josepehere is. It was finally time to leave after an hour of curling my hair and doing makeup. After hearing a gentle knock from Josephere, I opened the door and was greeted with a bouquet of pink roses that came in various tones. They were stunning.

"Let me help you," Joe insisted as he lightly grabbed the tips of my finger to help me walk down the pathway and be seated inside of his luxurious car.

"I'd be fine if we just had a date in here," I smiled.

"I would never take you on a date in my car," He smiled back. "It's only half of what you're missing."

He understood just how to make a woman feel fantastic. I didn't think of Britanny once the whole time I was with him, although that circumstance was the most disturbing problem in my life at the moment. But Josephere, Josephere, Josephere.

"Close your eyes. I want this to be a surprise." Josephere demanded.

I covered my eyes with my hands and waited to be escorted out of the car.

"Okay, you can open them," He said.

Do I really need to mention how opulent this eatery appeared? This restaurant went well beyond music, illumination, and wall art. They also designed their own china and stoneware to complement the aesthetics and the meals. There was even valet parking, which should tell you everything in itself.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Honey, I love it," I assured as I began walking into the entryway.

"Table for two, please," Josepehere announced to the hostess at the front counter.

"Right this way," She leads.

Okay, it was happening. The dinner was about to start, and I knew precisely what I wanted to say. I rehearsed it over thirty times in the shower last night, so it needed to be perfect.

"So..." I started.

"Us," Josephere finished.

That's when my mind went blank. Dammit, what was I supposed to say?

"Us," I repeated.

"Well, actually, I want to get to know a lot more about you before we start talking about us," Josephere suggested.

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