NINE (Part One)

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Today is the day that I save my life. I assembled all of my information and began to study it once more. By doing so, all of my answers and responses would perceive as knowledge-based and not from reference.


I knew exactly who that was. I unlocked my phone and viewed a message from Joe that read, "You got this. Mostly because I know you want your life. Lol. :)"

He was a bastard even with a humorous tone, but he was right. Only about one thing, though. I would try my hardest to win this case--for him--in honor of the good horrible things that he has done for other people.


"All rise. Department Two of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Harvey is presiding. Please be seated." demanded the Bailiff.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am calling the case of Samantha Julius versus Josephere. Are both sides ready?" Judge Harvey asked.

Julius's attorney answered in agreement, and so did I. After the clerk called for the jury to swear regarding honesty and fairness, the case began.

"Good morning, your Honor and the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury. The defendant has been charged with the crime of sexual harassment or facilitating assault. The substantiation will show that the defendant was not intoxicated when Ms. Julius approached the defendant's door. However, Ms. Julius was. As the two begin to engage in conversation, you may notice some unwanted hand placement from Mr. Hart; it implies persuasion for Ms. Julius to engage in sexual activity while under the influence. The defendant has left scars on the victim's body as a result of being rejected. The argument I present proves to you that the defendant is guilty as charged for not only assault but domestic violence, your honor." the opponent's attorney urged.

"Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law, my client is innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: Josephere was only conversing with the women after they approached his premises asking for tobacco. After specifying that he would not have enough tobacco for the women to share, Josephere asked the women to leave. That resulted in Julius's violent behavior. It is indeed self-defense if a person, no matter the gender, attacks you on your premises, and you attack in return. Therefore my client is not guilty." I responded.

"The prosecution may call its first witness." The judge spoke.

Julius's attorney called the other woman that attended Joe's house to the stand. She solemnly swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. However, the woman only provided one-word responses when answering a question; she never replied with detail.

"Were you with Ms. Julius the night of the scene, ma'am?" Julius's attorney questioned.

"Yes," The woman answered.

"Were you intoxicated and unable to understand what was going on?" Julius's attorney questioned.

"Yes," the woman answered.

"Are you able to testify that Josephere became violent with Ms. Julius after the rejection?" Julius's attorney questioned.

"Yes," the woman answered.

The crowd gasped at the responses of the woman. For how could such a beautiful, innocent-looking young woman tell such a tale?

"Does the defense have any questions?" the judge asked.

"Yes, your honor." I folded my arms, "You stated you were intoxicated and unable to understand what was going on. Do you remember anything from that night, ma'am?"

"No," the woman answered.

"Do you remember Josephere getting violent after HE rejected giving Ms. Julius some tobacco?" I asked.

She appeared as if she had been caught between two responses. If she said yes, the judge would know that she was lying, only because she said she didn't remember anything from the night. If she said no, the judge would still find out she was lying because she just told Julius's attorney that she could testify about Joe's aggression after he denied Julius. It was perfect.

"I plead the fifth, your honor. An arduous night can not be recollected from the viewpoint of a witness; only the victim has its full reports." the woman responded.

"Very well," the judge scoffed. "Josephere, please state your side of the story." the judge asked.

Josephere began to tell everything from the scene starting from that day and ending that night. It almost seems as if he was earning the jury's trust. That was until Samantha began stating a sob story about how badly hurt she was from the altercation. White people were privileged when it came to the law, and judging by the tone of white Judge Harvey's voice, Josephere was indeed going to be deemed guilty as charged. But I was NOT going to lose this case.

"Evidence, your honor. Here is some raw footage from Josephere's security cameras. Audio and video included." I urged.

I could see Samantha forming a smile on her face. I figured that crazy people didn't exactly know how to control their emotions when they knew they were going down. Then, the video began to play. Words were twisted, and actions were reversed. How stupid of me not to check the footage before departing from Joe's house. What happened in the video was described perfectly by the opponents. Joe lied to me. He knew we would lose this case because he wanted to kill me anyway! It was all because I knew of his little secret, and I was going to pay for it. I no longer had the drive to win against the opponents, for Joe's sake. I was finally ready to die.

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