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I started heading for dinner, and fortunately, I was going to make it on time. It was 5:30 p.m. now, and the restaurant was roughly 10 minutes away. I would usually arrive late for events, which was passably understandable to Brit because she knew I was on black people's time, but I came early this time. The restaurant we ate at was extravagant. With an opulent entryway, the eatery's exterior had silver stones as sculptural benches, and the pattern of its walls was modern with a gold tint. The view of the restaurant made me excited to dine because, after a long day of conversing, I deserved a break. I walked into the doorway, asked for the party of Brit, and was seated immediately. My friends from college, Janet and Lauri, were on one side of the table. Brit and I were sitting on the other side of the table. When Brit attended the Peoria police academy, I introduced Janet and Lauri to her whenever I did pop-up visits every so often. Ever since they quickly welcomed her, we have regularly gathered together for a girl's night or some other form of hangout.

"What are you eating on the menu, Mia? I'm on a diet, and my ideal figure is your body, " Janet questioned with a humorous tone.

I chuckled, "I'm getting a salad and some wine."

I knew it was a bad idea to drink more wine because I already had a few cups when I was with Joe, but I had never tasted wine as good as his. It made me think that it could be the new water, and with the restaurant as fancy as it was, I was sure they were going to have the same kind of wine as he had.

"How's the case shaping up?" asked Brit.

I grinned, but it wasn't me who made me raise my cheeks, I realized. Finally, I was mellow from the cups of wine that I drank at Joe's house previously. Or was it his deep voice that distracted me from already recognizing that the small percentage of alcohol was getting to me? Wait...what did I say? I had to concentrate on not ratting myself out a bit more than I would have if I were sober. So I instantly wiped the smile off of my face and replied, "The case is going swell!"

She probably thought I was bipolar.

"Really? What have you gathered so far?" Brit responded.

Damn it. I was not even in my right mind to calm my facial expressions. What made Brit think I was clearheaded enough to formulate a lie?

*ring ring*

Saved by the bell.

Brit was getting a phone call from Kendall, her boyfriend. For three years, they have been dating. She met him at a bookstore when she was searching for her police academy training guide. He was a worker there, and let's just say he earned her heart with his kindness. Brit would visit the bookstore frequently to say that she needed something when she didn't. She genuinely had a deep desire to see Kendall's face. Brit would pick up things she didn't like, but since she wanted to be face to face with Mr. Cashier, she still had plans to buy it. Fortunately, she never had to buy it. Kendall gave her everything for free. Eventually, because of it, he lost his job, but he found love doing so.

I felt there was something off about Ken, however. I didn't mean to sound like I hated her relationship, but my mother always told me that 'no good and pleasant thing comes from any place other than God.' Kendall didn't even believe in God.

"That was Ken, guys. He told me that he would be out until tomorrow afternoon." Brit expressed to us.

"Did he say what for?" Lauri asked.

"...w-work." Brit lately responded.

I knew she was lying, and it wasn't because I knew everything about her. I was sitting right beside her. The volume of her phone was so damn loud that you'd think it was on speakerphone. She just seemed as if in front of us-- she didn't want to worry because it would look as though she had scars in her relationship. I assumed this by listening to my conscience, but I thought it was telling me so because I didn't like Ken.

"Will you be okay at home by yourself?" Lauri asked Brit.

"Girl, I'm a cop." Brit scoffed.

"She's not saying you'll need protection," I rolled my eyes. "She's asking if you want company."

"Let's have a sleepover at Brit's house," Janet suggested.

"I could use the company." Brit chuckled.

Time passed, and we finished our meals, paid for our tickets, and headed to our homes. We decided to part ways to grab clothes and then head to Brit's house whenever we were ready. Brit noticed I was intoxicated, so she drove me home in my car, and Janet drove Brit's car back to Brit's place. Luckily, Janet and Lauri had come in the same vehicle. When I was at home in my bedroom, I kept thinking about what my drunk mind had led me to say earlier about Joe. I mentioned his deep voice as if I was finding it attractive. It may not be a big deal to many people, but for me, liking someone was new, and I loved it.

"Do you have all you need?" Brit asked while looking at me and breaking my thoughts.

"Yea, I think so." I smiled.

Then we went to Brit's place, where Janet and Lauri had been waiting.

"We're here!" I yelled.

"It took you long enough. What did you have to do?" Lauri asked.

We spent hours in Brit's living room on the floor in our pajamas, joking, catching up, and playing games. You wouldn't even believe what happened. Right in the middle of never have I ever, I got a text from Joe saying, "Now that you've mentioned it, I am kind of lonely."

Was he hinting for me to come over?

"What's got you smiling, Amia?" Janet asked.

The alcohol immediately took over my words. I was uncomfortably glad that Joe had just texted me. I was also beginning to get the feeling that I might like him. Whatever it looked like, my friends could see it all over my face. I didn't want them to hear about Joe at first, then I started going on and on about how dreamy his eyes were. His personality was easy to read, but his thoughts and actions were subtle. He had a solid body and a sincere heart, and in just one day, I knew all of this about him. But still, beyond all that, I didn't know what it was about him that made me feel alive. I didn't know what it was that made me look forward to seeing him once more. I didn't understand what it was about a killer that made me smile like a fool the whole time I was around him. I couldn't comprehend what it was that was happening to me when he was next to me. My heart told me that it was a feeling, but I viewed it as a thought because it was so indescribable and new.

I felt so stupid bringing him up around my friends. Now, anytime I go somewhere, they'll suspect that I'm with him, and I probably will be. But not in the way they may think of it. The stress of those interactions began to crowd my mind, but then suddenly I remembered; I never told them his name.

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