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When I walked outside of the coffee store, I spotted Joe leaning against his all-black SUV, holding what seemed to be a headwrap in his hand. I was totally unaware that he was connoting something until he insisted that I not drive to our destination. He claimed that it wasn't safe for anyone outside of the head and employees to know the location of the NSG warehouse. I then realized that the object he held in his hand was a thick, dark-colored blindfold that he tied around my eyes just before placing me (if I'm not mistaken) IN THE BACKSEAT OF HIS CAR.

After 20 long minutes, I grew impatient and curious.

"Are we there yet?" I asked while kicking his seat.

"If you keep footing me in the back like that, you won't make it there." He joked.

"Really? You make jokes about killing someone who you'll ACTUALLY kill." I spoke in an irritated manner.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood." He playfully sang before beeping his car horn three times and putting it in park.

I guess that meant that the boss had arrived.

"What's up, boss?" A man and about three other employees greeted Joe in the exact same way.

"Yo, who's the chick? Why does it look like you kidnapping ha?" A woman with a Bronx accent approached us.

He took off my blindfold and directed me to take a seat in his office.

"She's a lawyer," He started.

I could hear the whole warehouse release a terrifying gasp. It was as if Joe had broken the code by bringing the feds to their hideout.

"Relax, everybody, there's no need to worry. She's gonna keep her mouth shut for as long as she lives, or she won't, and she knows that. She's gonna help me with the sexual assault charge in court."

After he said that, it appeared as though everybody's groaning and facial expressions had stopped. At least that is what it seemed like before Joe strolled in and slammed the door after him, deliberately breaking my concentration from his employees.

"You still don't feel safe?" He asked, "You're with me now."

"I shouldn't feel safe anywhere, sweetheart," I sneered after purposefully taunting his 'tough boy' phrase from earlier.

"Let's get back to business. I'm not here to joke to and fro with you. If you win this case, you spare my life, and you get the chance to keep yours. In a real sense." He strikingly avowed while sitting down in his Modern Macie lounge chair.

Joe said he was educated, so for what reason didn't he comprehend that the dynamic in a legal dispute with regards to the suspect is exclusively up to the judge. Judges are people too, and I have a strong feeling this one is about to be white. I knew I, an African American lawyer, had no chance of beating a case that included white defendants and defendants of color. So I didn't understand how losing a case would be entirely my fault.

"So, if I lose this case, you'll kill me?" I repeated for confirmation.

"Well, I didn't necessarily say that, yet I would simply encourage you not to lose the case." He began while emerging from his seat. "If I get sent to prison (because you know it won't be jail), and the inmates there torment me, I must put them on the hit list. Furthermore, I know those guys have guys; I'll be on their hit list as well. I'm trying to live for my people and save everyone from the bullshit."

"So, you'll all be exchanging deaths?" I squinted my eyes as I responded in confusion.

"Basically! That is just too many lives lost. If only one little life is lost, odds of chaos, bloodshed, and violence decrease tremendously. Unfortunately, that insignificant life is yours." He shrugs.

"I understand," I nodded, feeling more pressured than I did when I stepped foot inside of the warehouse.

"Now that you do, would you like to go home?" He asked. "We can always become acquainted, you know?" He smiled.

I paused.....this guy.

"I'm pretty tired and overwhelmed with how much SHIT today has brought me. I think I'd like to go home," I fake smiled.

Decisively, Joe snatched his keys and coat, and we went to the closest exit of the warehouse. It was in his office. You could judge by the measure of ways out in the location and the tone in Joe's voice that he meant business, and I mean dangerous business. It's as of now midnight, and I hadn't had a lot of rest the night prior, so tonight was NOT the night to overthink. However, a vast number of inquiries kept springing up in my mind! Yet, the one that I just couldn't get over was: How could I be so careless to bring evidence of my profession to a secret investigation!?

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