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"Me?" I began, "There's nothing exciting that you'd want to know about me. As perfect as you think my life is the devil just can't seem to keep me away from sticky situations," I rolled my eyes as I began to drink my wine. You can guess what type of wine it was; hint hint.

"Of course I want to know about you, Amia. That is if if the assumptions I've made about you are true," Josephere urged.

"What are those assumptions?" I asked while lifting my eyebrows.

"Well, you're a very brave woman for sure," He began, "You'd do anything for your family and you'd do anything to protect your friends."

He was right. Except one thing about those assumptions had changed. I didn't want friends anymore. At least not the ones that either knew I couldn't trust or didn't know if I could trust.

"You're right about that," I started, "All except one at least,"

"Come on girl, you know I'm right" He joked.

"I'd rather not associate myself with the word 'friends' anymore," I mumbled.

"So you don't want a boyfriend nor a girlfriend? Women are confusing," Joe chuckled.

"I had plentiful girlfriends! I had one favorable one to be exact, but they turn on you like faster than you can even say the word friend," I folded my arms.

"I'm guessing one of your bestfriends did wrong by you?" Josephere questioned while handing me another cup of wine.

I took a look at my wine cup and thought in careful consideration. I know how much I wanted to keep this whole sitaution a secret, but once I start drinking I can't control my words. It's either I enjoy myself here with Joe, or I do my best to keep the situation on the low so that abosultely no one else is put in line for getting hurt...

"Well, you remember how I told you that I have a best friend who gets paid to carry guns around?" I answered bluntly while taking the cup of wine, "Her boyfriend broke up with her, and now she wants to kill him."

Josephere sat in a small silence before scratching his head, "Is it illegal to want to break up with women nowadays or..."

"Yea, once you've already cheated on her," I interrupted, "It's only fair that she breaks up with you,"

"Wow, so he was one of them guys?" Joe shook his head.

"Stayed with her for three years with a wife and two kids on the side," I closed my eyes and relaxed my elbows on the arm rest of the seat. "You try to give a girl like that comfort and she's going crazy on everybody. She wants me to help her," I finished.

"There's no way I'm letting you kill anybody," Joe snatched my cup of wine.

"Well, it's not like I asked to do it," I raised my voice.

"Oh what so you're saying she's forcing you?" Joe asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying," I overlapped in response.

"Nobody can force you to do anything, Amia"

"Please, I stopped a man from robbing a bank with my voice and barehands anybody is capable of forcing a situation," I folded my arms.

Suddenly, he was silent. Did he think I was one of those bad girls who just acted to be goody two shoes? Was he considering that maybe I was brave enough to be apart of the NSG?

"...What'll happen if you don't help her she's gone kill you too?" He joked.

I put my head down in response and began meddling with my fingernails. I could tell that he noticed I was getting uncomfortable in the conversation. The energy had immediately shifted and he wiped that smirk from his face.

"Hey, don't think too deep about. It's really easy to clear your name from a situation if you're not the one who pulled the trigger," Joe promised as he grabbed the palm of my hands.

As many bodies as he had, I had no choice but to believe in what he was telling me. If I didn't murder the man why would I be any blame for it?

"Let's just change the subject shall we?" I smiled at him, "Anything good happen in your life lately?"

He nodded while smiling at me. "It's only considered good for me, i think it'll be bad to you"

"You can tell me, I'm sure anything you feel is good to you must be good for you," I assured.

"I hired my first outsider today," He announced.

"What's an outsider?" I inquireid.

"An outsider is a commoner who only knows of the NSG. We usually hire those people so that they don't go ranting about us," He said.

"You know it's nearly impossible for people to know about you guys right?" I said.

"Not if you make them sign a contract not to mention the gang or its purpose for the rest of your life. Those people actually sign their life away. If you say something as little as a whisper out us, pew?" He joked while immitating a gun to his head.

I wasn't sure how I was so comfortable listening to him joke about assassinating people knowing that he'd actually do it. I guess that was just me growing used to him. Did this mean I would actually date him?

"So all of your current employees are kin to each other?" I questioned.

"All but the new guy," He smiled, "This is big! It means that we can finally expand and help more people out!"

"That's one way to think about it," I nervously giggled.


I could tell that Amia wanted to grow use to seeing the murderous side of me. The fact that she allowed me to take her on a date made me realize that I might actually have a chance with her. That was if she could forget about the event that probably traumatized her for life and is one of the main causes for her bravery. I felt sick to my stomach learning that she probably remembers every traumatizing moment of that soon-to-be robbery. I needed her to know that with me she was always safe, I would never do anything to hurt her, and I would always protect her. I mean come on, Amia is no killer! I knew what needed to be done.

I needed to give my new employee, the outsider, his first job: Kill Amia's bestfriend.

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