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Joy. That's what most of her life was until now. Nora was a happy young girl, until one day her dad disappeared, and not long after so did the family Pokémon. Nora and her mom searched and searched, but there was no remanence of the father, or the Pokémon. Nora was small, with lots of hair, she'd often put her hair in pigtails on each side of her head above her human ears. She had dark brown hair that almost looked blonde in the sunlight, and brown eyes that shined like stars. On her head was cat-like ears that listened for any kind of danger. Behind her was a wolf tail, fluffy and as brown as her hair, beautiful in the light. On her right cheek, a light red almost pink, paw pint sat, which she had since she was born.

Her mother and her decided to take a walk in the woods, get away from the sad atmosphere at home. The sun was at half past 10, it was starting to get cold out, the leaves were changing to the reds and golds of autumn, and the wind whispered softly in the ears, and chilled hearts. The path into the woods was untouched by most civilization. as the wind blew, tickling Nora's nose, she shivered in her Red and Blue hoodie and looked up at her mother, who was wearing a gray hoodie and black jeans, she looked a bit sad, but would smile at Nora and tell her not to worry.

Hours of walking, they were deep in the forest, but did not worry, they knew the way. It was a simple path. However, they had not noticed the leaves on the path had been disturbed, someone had been through here recently, or the leaves would've been on the path unbroken. As the two kept walking, different Pokémon seemed anxious, and frightened. But they worry not, Pokémon are often frightened by people in these woods. A murkrow crowed with forewarn, eyes glistening as it looked for shiny treasures to claim. After a while they came across a man, who pointed a gun at Nora's mother, telling her not to come any closer, he was scared of her.

"You and that kid is dangerous! don't even dare come closer!" he said "You red paws are nothin' but trouble!"

"Nora," her mother whispered, getting between her and the gun "Run, get somewhere safe, don't stop running until you're safe"

Nora ran, she wasn't sure why her mother said that, but she ran. There was a gunshot, but she kept running until she got into town, she stooped for a second, panting, scanning the area, before running into a bakery that just opened and hid under a table, panting. She was scared. The worker inside jumped a bit when she ran in and he looked over at the that Nora was hiding under and he walked over and bent down to look under the table,

"Are you ok?" he asked her. She turned and hissed at him a bit, gripping her wolf-like tail in fear. Was he a friend? Or would he hurt her like the other man hurt her mom? 

Nora's Journey (Rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now