New Friend?

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"Are you ok?" The bakery worker asked Nora as she sat, shaking under the table. She hissed at him, gripping her tail in fear, she wasn't sure if she could trust him or not. he seemed to think for a bit before asking

"Are you hungry?" she backed a bit farther away from him

"m-ma s-said n-not u-unless I'm s-safe" she stuttered out before thinking for a moment "d-do you h-have and of th-those pizzas o-on the b-bread?" she asks

"Well, no, but I do have things to make it if you'd like?" he asked her but she shook her head a bit,

"I...I don't have a-any money though... a-and I'm n-not safe...." she says, looking away from him and down at the ground.

"It's ok, it's ok" he says "I'll pay for it and why?"

"S-someone hurt ma... Someone with a g-gun..." she said, gripping her tail in fear. "there w-were big scary Pokémon a-aswell..." she said

The worker got quiet for a moment before he asked.

"where did this happen?"

"I-in the forest... mom told me to run a-and get somewhere safe" Nora responded and the worker nods

"I have somewhere you'll be safer, but I'm going to try and find your mom, I'll have my co-worker fill in for me." he says, giving her a note and directions to a house "when you get there, give this note to whoever answers the door"

"B-but..." Nora started to protest and the worker got two pokeballs out of his pocket, handing her one. Nora looks at it then at him, confused.

"You can borrow my horse Pokémon, Pheo in case something happens and so you can get there faster" he says.

"B-but what about you?" nora asks, tilting her head a bit.

"I have two others with me" he says, trying to reassure her.

"but... but.."

"It will be ok" he says giving her a smile before turning and telling his co-worker that something came up and he'll be back and he left the bakery, letting his fire and dragon type Pokémon out of its pokeball. As he did this, Nora decides to go ahead and head to the house, she looked at the directions and started to walk to where she thought it was, Pheo walking behind her. Pheo looked like a dark unicorn, her body was black and her hair was purple and she had a horn atop her forehead with percing red eyes, any normal human would be scared of her, but nora didn't mind. Dispite this, Nora was tense and paranoid. Pheo, noticing this, nudged her and got down so that Nora could get on her back. Nora thought for a moment and then hesitantly got on her back. Pheo then started to walk towards the forest, where the house was located, knowing the way pretty easily, as pheo walked nora held on tight, not wanting to fall off. The bakery worker was using his fire and dragon type pokemon to follow the scent of Nora back to where her mother was, not knowing what that would lead him to, but hoping it wasn't bad. After a while of following the scent, they came across the man, he had just put his gun away. The Bakery worker's pokemon, chomper, sniffed the man,through his wings his trainer could not be seen behind him. Chomer was a tall dragon looking pokemon, a mix between a Mega Garchomp and a Mega Charizard x, His main body was a dark gray but the inside of his wings, his under belly and his knees and claws where red. The man smelled of blood, but did not have any visibly on him.

"What the heck?!?" the man said jumping back, not expecting a full grown pokemon to randomly do that to him. Chomper growled and picked up the man by the back of his shirt. The man then grabbed a pokeball from his belt, but chomper used his tail to grab it from him and then flew up, still holding the man by the back of his shirt, the man tried to get out of its grip, but it wouldn't let him, flying higher. The bakery worker tried to calm his pokemon down, not knowing if this even is the guy, but comper wouldn't listen. The guy looks at the bakery worker, finally noticing him on chomper's back

"Call off your pokemon!" the man says "Before you kill us both!"

"I'm trying!" he says "chomper, calm down please!" he says panicked, then next thing he knew, chomper had accidentally knocked him off, and he was falling towards the ground.

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