Bonus chapter 2

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Aiden looked at himself in the mirror. He stared for a few minutes before shaking his head "no... this isn't.. me..." he said, then went to his closet, and started searching. After a moment he found what he was looking for and went back to the bathroom. He changed into a hoodie and a skirt and looked into the mirror, trying to change up his hair so he looked more feminine. he put on some earbuds, listening to music.

As he stood in the bathroom in female clothes he thought,

"I want to be able to do this more often... but  what will the others think...? will they be ok with it..? How will I even tell them? How do I tell them?"

"How do I tell my family that I-I'm trans...?" she said looking at herself,

"That my name is Lilian?" she questioned herself. She started playing scenarios in her head of how they would react, the first one was nice.

Lilian had gone up to Loki and told him straight to his face and accepted her, and helped her come out to the others.

The second wasn't as pleasurable. In this one, Loki had walked in on her in girl's clothes and he started yelling at her, angry. But Nora had  still accepted her.

After about an hour or two of different scenarios, loki suddenly came in, he looked at lilian a bit surprised, but smiled and hugged her. She smiled and hugged back. Lilian's little bunny tail wagged a bit. Loki then kissed her forehead  when they heard Ella scream from the kitchen. They look at each other before going to see what's wrong.

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