New Pokemon?

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"Call off your pokémon!" the man says "Before you kill us both!"

"I'm trying!" he says "Chomper, calm down please!" he says panicked, then next thing he knew, Chomper had accidentally knocked him off, and he was falling towards the ground. As he fell, his eyes widen in fear, he watched as Chomper and the man got farther and farther away. Suddenly, in midair a creature caught him by the back of his shirt and lands, carefully setting him down. The bakery worker, turns to see who or what it was that saved him. The creature was big, about half the size of the giant oaks that surrounded them, it stood on four legs, gray and black stripped fur covered it's furry body, its tail was bushy and ended a few inches above it's almost cat like paws, its muzzle was longer than a cats, but shorter than a wolves, its ears resembled that of a Maine Coon cat. on it's cheek was a red paw print, seemingly engraved into it's fur. The creature looked up at the man, who shuttered a bit in fear, having seen this creature before. The bakery worker then looked up at his Pokémon, who was still holding the man,

"Chomper!" he said, and his Pokémon looked down at him, "Bring him down now!" the Pokémon hesitantly agreed, coming down and landing, but didn't let go of the man. all the way down, the creature stared at the man, a slight glare in its eyes.

"All the way down" the worker said, and Chomper hesitantly let him down. thee moment Chomper let go of the man, the creature tackled the man to the ground, growling. Chomper then told the creature,

"we're trying to find someone that hurt a child's mom... do you think he is the person who did?" the creature looked at Chomper and said,

"He did. He hurt my ma" it said. It took Chomper a few minutes to comprehend before he asked

"Wait... You're the kid from earlier?" and the creature nods,

"I am Nora," she says. Chomper then nods a bit,

"Can you try to explain this to... Aiden..?" he said, having a bit of trouble remembering if that was actually his trainer's name or not, but to make sure she know who he was referring to, he pointed at the bakery worker with his tail. Nora sighed,

"Fine" she says, and then turns to Aiden, and turned into her human form, which was generally weaker, and the man took this opportunity to grab her by the neck saying,

"Finally, I got you" he says and her eyes widen, and she tries to change back, but couldn't focus enough to achieve the form, so she started trying to kick him. Immidiantly after this, Chomper now used his tail to pick up the man by the neck, lifting him up, growling, now furious at the man. The man dropped Nora, eyes widening in fright, he realized he messed up. Chomper started flying up with the man, still having him by his throat. Aiden decides to check on Nora, she was holding her throat with one hand and her cat ears were down, and her wolf tail was curlled around her. the man tried to choke out,

"she dangerous!" as Chomper continued to fly up.

"Are you ok?" aiden asked Nora and she nods,

"Y-yeah... Just h-hurts a bit" as Chomper was flying with the man, the man went limp, unconscious. Aiden gently moves Nora's hand, taking a look at her neck,

"Looks like it's bruising a bit..." he says as Chomper loosens his tail a bit so the man could breath, not wanting to kill him, even if he is a bad man. Nora thinks for a moment before asking,

"are you a doctor aswell as a baker?" while looking at Aiden, curious.

"No, I'm just a baker, but due to somethings in my past I guess I have some experience.. why?" he asked

"I was just wondering" Nora said to him.

"Do you know where your mom is?" Aiden asked her and she looked down, sad, on her way to find Aiden she had found her mother, but she had been too late to help her.

"I'm sorry.." he said

"it's... fine.... I found her on the way here..." she said and Aiden asked,

"Is she ok?" Nora looked away, she wished she could say yes, but she couldn't.. her mother had already been buried, with all that dirt on top of her, there's no way she was still alive, she'd have had suffocated by now. Aiden hugs her, realizing what must have happened. Nora hugs back, trying her best not to cry, but how could she not? She's now an orphan... Chomper flies down with the man and lands, dropping the unconscious man.

"Thank you" she says and Chomper nods a bit.

"He called me dangerous... he kept calling me dangerous" Nora said, a bit confused

"well, with the right reasons, anyone could be considered 'dangerous..." Chomper said "what happened for him to think that?"

"I don't know.. he just kept on saying that mom and I were dangerous and mom told me to run, then there was a gunshot..." she says "he also said something about a red paw....?"

"huh... That's a bit odd..." Chomper says. Nora nods

"I kinda wonder if he's talking about the mark on my cheek" she says, pointing at her cheek where a red paw mark could be seen.

"I don't know.." Chomper responds, a bit confused. Suddenly Nora Notices something and starts digging into the ground a bit and pulls out a Pokeball that was half-buried in the ground, it was partially broken, but still being used as there was a pokémon inside it.

Nora's Journey (Rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now