Settled in

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"Lets go home.." she says. Ella smiles and walks with her, holding her hand. They soon get home and nora takes her inside. Loki told Nora that lilian was out looking for them. Nora told ella to stay there and she went to go find lilian. Ella tried to follow her, but Nora told her to stay again, saying she'll be back. all ella said was

"kitty.." and after a few moments nora came back and picked her up, leaving with her. Ella hugged her. Nora hugged back, looking around for lilian. Ella helped her look around. Nora started calling for lilian, but got no respose. She then decided  to call her, getting out her phone and calling her. a phone wwas heard ringing nearby, and nora walks over, finding a phone on the ground with no one around it. Nora, getting worried, sat Ella down and turned into her giant wolf form, and got down, telling Ella to get on. Ella listened and climbed onto her back.

"Hold on tight," Nora said. Ella held on as Nora sniffed around, searching for Lilian's scent. Soon Nora found it and followed it, eventually finding Lilian in a cage while a pokémon hunter was busy doing something in her truck. Nora sneaked over to Lilian, keeping Ella on her back. She motioned for Lilian to keep quiet as she tries to pick the lock with a bobby pin she had on her. Lilian quietly watched her, and after a few moments Nora got it open. As Lilian was getting out of the cage she bumped the door which made a loud screeching sound.

"Hey!" the hunter that was in her truck jumped out and yelled at the two,

"What are you doing?!"

"I have told you guys multiple times, I am not a pokemon! I don't know why you took mw and put me in a cage, but again, I am not a pokemon!" Lilian says, frustrated at the hunter.

"She's our mom! Not a pokémon!" Nora said before grabbing llilians hand and storming off with her. The hunter was confused and startled, but stood there unmoving, letting them go. Ella yawned a bit.

"we're heading home so you can sleep" Nora reassured her before looking at lilian and said,

"Sorry for calling you mom, I just thought it'd be easier than trying to explain stuff..." Lilian just smiled at her and said,

"It's ok" they both walked side by side as ella started to fall asleep on nora's back.

"I don't know what you'd like me to call you..." nora said "My mom always said I could call them whatever as long as it was respectful towards them and my dad"

"You can call me whatever you feel comfortable with" lilian said calmly, smiling

"What's your pronouns?" Nora asked

"She/Her" Lilian said before some random man laughed

"That's a load of bull! You're just a confused little boy!" which caused nora to immedently look over,

"What did you say??" Nora asked, angerly.

"All this 'pronoun' stuff is bull! You are what's in your pants!"

"So then you're a dick...?" Lilian asked

"Wha- no I'm a man!"

"Oh.... so you have a man in your pants? congrats" lilian responded.

Nora laughed a bit,

"He doesn't look or act like a man" said said and lilian chuckled a bit,

"Let's head back home" she said. and nora nods,


"Should we pick something up to eat on the way?" lilian asked and Nora shrugged,

"Donno.." By now, ella was in deep sleep.

"Their probably worried about us..." Nora says before yawning a bit. Soon lilian, Nora, and Ella made it home, and loki hugged them all, clearly he had been worrying about them. Ella was still asleep, but nora and lilian hugged him back. Loki relaxed,

"I'm glad you all are ok" he said smiling a bit. Lilian smiled back. Nora yawned a bit again which caused loki to yawn after a moment. Lilian soon had a place for nora to stay in Aiko's and Ella's room even though nora kept saying she could sleep on the couch. After hearing there was an extra bed, Nora decided to take it and lilian lead her to a wheelchair accesible room with three beds. two on bottom they were both angled at a 90 degree angle to the wall, the shortest side touching the wall, and there was a bed above them that the longer side was touching the wall. There was a nice little latter going up to the bed. all the beds were neatly made and the room was organized and clean in order for Aiko to easily get around. Aiko was already sleeping in her bed.

Nora smiled and thanked Lilian. lilian smiled

"You're welcome" she said as loki gently takes Ella from nora, and puts her to bed. As he did that, Nora quietly climbed up to her bed, ok with having the top bunk. Ella hugged her bear in her sleep. Aiko, waking from her sleep a bit, looked over at them. Loki looks at her, goes over and hugs her, telling her good night. she smiles and says,

"good night" and Loki smiled back. Lilian left and after a bit so did Loki. Nora soon fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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