Oh no..

0 0 0

"Some are green... Some blue, or orange or... red.... Purple is the weakest.. they have telepathic abilities. Blue is second weakest, they have simple water bending properties. Greens are insanely smart, and can grow things, yellows have electric powers, oranges have fire. Those are all ones that we don't worry too much about. But the reds are most powerful.. they have shown to have unlimited ability that they can't control, they will tear our homes down in the blink of an eye, if you see any reds, please report them immediately" Nora was staring at the TV wide-eyed, she had a red mark on her cheek. What will her new friends do or think about that? She feared what would happen next. Ella hugged Nora, 

"Kitty...?" she said. Nora hugged her back and looked at Aiden, wondering what he was thinking. The lady on the TV continued, 

"The red paw on their cheek symbolizes our death and destruction, Their more powerful than most of our pokémon, and unlike pokémon they can't be caught or trained. Please, for all that you hold special, let the government deal with these reds..." then the broadcast stopped and the TV turned off. 

"Their calling for a war on those who are quote on quote 'too powerful'" Loki said 

"their basically discriminating on those that are different and they don't understand... its civil war and 2020 all over again" Loki sighed and Aiden pets Nora's head. 

"They're going to be coming after us the moment they find out I'm here..." Nora said. 

"Then we make sure they don't find out... I have an idea, if you're willing to go along with it..?" Aiden says, thinking a bit. 

"What is it...?" Nora asked, generally curious as to how they could disguise her. 

"Well, we could cover the mark up with some make-up, and I have some hair-dye I was planning on eventually using, If you'd be willing to dye your hair?" Aiden suggested, looking quizzically at her. Nora thought for a moment, 

"Well... if you're willing to help me do it, then sure! I mean, it's better than being forced to be taken by the government! Plus, I've always wanted to dye my hair" she says, smiling. Aiden nods, 

"what color would you like it to be?" Aiden asked her, 

"I have many different colors" 

"galaxy?" she asked, and Aiden went to the bathroom and looked through the colors he had. Nora followed him. He soon found the blues, purples and pinks he'd need for the hair color, luckily he had what should be enough to dye her hair. next he set up a chair in the shower just for incase they made a mess dying her hair. He then searched through the bathroom, trying to find hair bleach  to bleach her hair, as it was too dark just to throw the colors in. He soon found the bleach and got to work, using the bruc=sh that came with the hair bleach to lather her hair in it. after he was done applying the bleach he wrapped it up in foil and they waiting around an hour for the bleach to take effect. Once her hair was light enough, Aiden washed her hair, dried it, then started putting in the color. He started with navy blue, and started at the top of her hair, strand after strand he colored it with the hair color. Next he took the royal blue and painted it on her hair, blending the top of it with the navy then bringing it down to right above mid-hair. After he finished that color he went on to purple, blending it in with the blue and bringing it down to right below mid-hair. Strand by strand. Brush by brush. He colored her hair, going from navy to royal blue to purple to magenta to pink. After a long, slow, tiering process, her hair was done, nice and prettily colored from roots to tips. It looked better than either of them expected. Next Aiden got out some make-up and started teaching Nora how to cover the mark effectively. Nora listened, intent, as she wanted to make sure she did it correctly. Once they were all done, Nora smiled brightly with excitement and thanked him. He smiled and said, 

Nora's Journey (Rough draft)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora