The Summoning (part 1) The Journals

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It has been several weeks after the prior events, violence and the attacks stopped, as the multiverse started to return to normal. No new life could be created not without it becoming negative as Ink worked to fix the events and Core returned into the Omega Timeline, yet in the dark shadows still lurked, and soon a shark shall emerge to drag its prey down into the darkest depths of the unforgiving sea.

Finally...after weeks of wondering...turns out the legends were true

Shattered had entered a long-lost page, lost among the chaos in the doodle sphere, known as GravityTale. There the events had already taken place as he wandered around looking for what he was looking for, the journals, yet it wasn't as easy as he thought due to being guarded by the inhabitants. Thus leading to a long and hard battle in which he came out victorious but not unscratched as soon another being would appear.

Core!Frisk would appear now guarding the victims, as she spoke to Shattered, allowing time for the victims to retreat and flee. This action was to not much avail as Shattered had stolen the 3 journals and now had them at his disposal.

 This action was to not much avail as Shattered had stolen the 3 journals and now had them at his disposal

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Core: Dream...- she was cut off suddenly

Shattered: I do not go by that name anymore, what is it that you want, keep it short and brief isn't too late, I'm sorry about everything that has happened to you, but we can put it all behind us. Think about it is this really the path you want?

Shattered: This is the path I've chosen and its too late to go back on it, and even if not so I'll still go by it

Core: You don't have to there's still a chance for yo-

Shattered: A chance to what, go back begging for forgiveness to the countless universes I've saved hundreds of times, or to that pathetic protector who doesn't even care for the likes of them.

Core: You don't have to do either, Dre-...I mean Shattered, please just stop and we can undo this together we don't even need to go to Ink about it

Shattered: Speaking of Ink, where is he lately, oh let me guess...he was too much of a coward to face the very abomination that he created

Core: Shattered, please don't talk about yourself like that, you're not an abomination to me-

Shattered: ENOUGH!!! I'm done with the likes of you and this very multiverse ITSELF

Shattered knocked Core!Frisk back as he started walking ahead now holding out journal 3, holding his finger on the middle, it revealed that blood had already been drawn on it as he started to speak once more

Shattered: consider this my official withdrawal and war on the very multiverse itself, with this newfound power nothing can stop me now, I suggest you leave Afterall with your stats you can't even damage me.

Core: I know I can't heh did you really think I'd come here without a plan

Shattered: ?

Core: I only came when you defeated the inhabitants because I was making a plan

Noises are heard in the forest surrounding the two

Core: Please, Shattered drop the journals, and we can settle this peacefully

Shattered: So be it

The tentacles holding the journals would retreat, now taking the journals into Shattered's goop, protecting them in the process

Core: Attack she says this without hesitation not fully expecting Shattered to agree anyways

Suddenly Shattered was suddenly attacked from all sides by blue bones as several beings hop out.

Suddenly Shattered was suddenly attacked from all sides by blue bones as several beings hop out

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Fresh Sans, Hacked!Swap Sans, and Epic Sans all appear next to Core now facing Shattered.

Shattered: Damn it

Fresh: Hand over the journals broski

Epic: Yeah bruh

Hacked Blueberry: Dream please stop this

Core: Yes, this is illogical and you're outnumbered

Shattered: But you're to late eno tnecina hO


Epic was the first to act as he turned Shattered's soul blue and threw him away while firing 3 large blasters behind him, Shattered would use his tentacle to jump upwards dodging, the blasters caused a large explosion knocking swap backwards. Shattered now gooped away on a mountain as the true battle now begins, with Shattered now summoning his bow as the sky grew dark.

 Shattered now gooped away on a mountain as the true battle now begins, with Shattered now summoning his bow as the sky grew dark

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