Battle: Transgression Crimes

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Note: Battle takes place somewhere in the deep forest of the Omega Timeline

Characters: Hacked!Swap, Slash, Negativetale Sans, Screen of Death Sans, and Scoundrel Sans

Characters: Hacked!Swap, Slash, Negativetale Sans, Screen of Death Sans, and Scoundrel Sans

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As Screen(SOD) was sent flying here, he laid on the ground and sighed.

SOD: I don't have time for this-

[Somethine was heard coming from the forest]


[Cue Scoundrel walking out of the bushes]

SOD: Oh- it's just you

Scoundrel: erm yeah, who did you think it was, Casper the friendly ghost?

SOD: Not funny...but oddly good sarcasm

[Something was heard moving through the trees before suddenly being seen by SOD]


Slash would jump down at SOD slashing, but his sword was blocked by a strong bone, Slash would jump back off of the bone as he stabbed it into the ground.

Slash: Wow you actually blocked tha- clears throat  I mean that was only a taste of what I can do

SOD: . . .

Scoundrel: ...


SOD: Who are you exactly...?

Slash: My name is Slash, I'm a member of Team Hope, and as an Apex member

SOD: Cool I guess- oh yeah- we sorta have to battle you now I guess

It was clear that Screen wasn't fully invested in this raid, in fact he found it rather an inconvenience, but he wanted to get it over with.

Slash: Aren't you gonna introduce yourselves

Scoundrel: Why would we do that to our enemies?

Slash: Its more common courtesy

Scoundrel: Well alright, you go first Screen

SOD: Fine, I go by Screen or Screen Of Death, but for short call me SOD and I'm an Alpha member

Scoundrel: Call me Scoundrel Sans, and I'm a Delta member

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