Calamity is the only thing that matters

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Note: I own none of these images and credit goes to all the owners, and this is one of the first present full battle chapters, so this will come with things such as power scaling and relationships. This is a fan-series and one thing you need to know for clarification is that the story of this team takes place after Nightmare's team mean that Murder Time Trio + Error & Insanity all know each other however many others do not. There are already some established relationships in the team thus far. Unlike the other chapters which took place in the past, we are jumping to current day, nothing major but this would take place a few days after Shattered has formed his team meaning no one has seen each other or knows each other yet (besides Anomaly time trio: Error5055, LV, and Liquidation). Please keep this in mind when reading.)

You're running through the city, screams are heard everywhere as everything is set ablaze and destroyed, you keep pushing even though it feels like your body is at its limit. Your adrenaline keeps pushing you forward, but no matter how far  you run, you know there's no escape from those...things.

Strings flew throughout the city faster than you could react, you watched in horror as suddenly your best friend was entangled in blue strings, they scream for you to run away. . . but your legs won't move, your frozen in fear. Something large is heard behind you as suddenly a large white light fills the area, out of instinct you jump out the way barely in time, you watch a white magical beam go past you and obliterate your best friend along with destroying everything in its path that was behind it.

You felt something tug at you raising you off the ground, you look and see the same blue strings around your body, you try to fight it and break free...but you fail. You scream for somebody...anybody to come and help you, but nobody came. You raise your head staring and now meeting with the eyes of the creature that captured you.

It was a short skeleton, their bones seemed pure black and glitchy even, he wore black slippers with a black coat and blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that resemble tears.

He chuckles as you he summoned another one of the blast firing attacks that killed your best friend, you can't help but close your eyes as it charges up and fires.

You open your eyes to see a wall of literal Ink saving you, as a skeleton wearing an art suit appears infront of you, you realize the strings which held you are now broken as the skeleton holds you

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You open your eyes to see a wall of literal Ink saving you, as a skeleton wearing an art suit appears infront of you, you realize the strings which held you are now broken as the skeleton holds you. He reveals himself as Ink as he yells at the other skeleton revealing himself to be Error. Without warning nor hesitation they two would start clashing against each other.

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