The Summoning part 3: The Revival of the fallen god

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Nightmare and Shattered upon this would split up with Nightmare taking Fell into the dungeon. We go back to Shattered who appears in Nightmare's castle in a small office. The journals are neatly placed on the table.

Shattered would then open them all and place them together aligned

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Shattered would then open them all and place them together aligned. He held out a photo, one of the star sanses along as they appeared in the Omega Timeline, as as he forms a single sharp nail and scratched out not only one head but then the entirety of everyone appearing in the photo which unlucky for them just happened to be the majority of the timeline afterall the stars were heroes and wanted a picture with everyone. This ensured that no one ranging from Ink or even someone as small as an unknown Asgore would be safe. As he used his tentacles to place candles in a perfect circle around him before enlightening them on fire.

Shattered would lay on his knees as he faced the center of the circle before reciting the phrase.

Shattered: "Triangulum, Entangulum. Meteforis Dominus Ventium. Meteforis Venetisarium!"

Shattered's pupils would turn from golden to an enchanted blue as he entered his mindscape causing the sky to turn gray for him.

Shattered: is the mind space and step one Shattered would take a deep breath before continuing "egassem drawkcab ,egassem drawkcab ,egassem drawkcab ,egassem drawkcab ,egassem drawkcaB"

Suddenly a yellow line forms in the sky before opening revealing to be an eye, the eye formed the glowing symbol of Bill Cipher as a magical portal would appear hovering, then Bill!Sans would form and step out.

Suddenly a yellow line forms in the sky before opening revealing to be an eye, the eye formed the glowing symbol of Bill Cipher as a magical portal would appear hovering, then Bill!Sans would form and step out

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Bill: Well Well Well, look who we have here, the former demi-god of positivity himself. Pleasure to meet you Dream or well whatever you go by now

Shattered: I go by Shattered and its a pleasure to meet you too...Bill...Sans?

Bill: Yeah you can call me whichever you want, Bill, Sans, Bill!Sans, or whatever I don't mind but call me a fucking dorito and I'll kill you. Just kidding I don't really mind but its kinda rude don't cha think.

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