The White Error

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Note: We continue where we left off at, before the raid on the omega timeline, where Shattered suddenly turned around

Shattered turned around to meet the face

Shattered: I can sense you, you know what right

A skeleton stepped into view

404: Nice to meet you too, Dream

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404: Nice to meet you too, Dream.

Shattered: I didn't expect you to come, you're a little late, I already deployed the members

404: I know that, I just wanted to check in.

Shattered: How considerate of you

404: I do not need your sass currently

Shattered: Tell me the real reason you came, you usually don't show up often, unless I specifically have to call you. Any other time its because you need something.

404: You're raiding the Omega Timeline and attacking, you were Dream at one point but I have a request, I wanna know more about Core and Ink.

Shattered: You're out of luck, I don't know much about them

404: Don't lie to me, maybe I shouldn't ask, but It isn't a big deal...consider this a favor for your partner

Shattered: ...fine, I'll show you later but since you're here, would you like to stay for the introduction of our Prota and Kyrvo members?

404: Why wouldn't I?

Shattered: Come on, its about to start

404: I forgot you don't have teleportation [William teleported away]

Shattered: just wow...I mean I have something similar [Shattered goops away]

Small cut away from the scene, inside of a security tech room sat Nova Sans

Small cut away from the scene, inside of a security tech room sat Nova Sans

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