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"There is a tide in the affairs of men,"

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"There is a tide in the affairs of men,"

-Act 4, Scene 3. (Julius Caesar)

I've been wandering for some time now.
In fact, I think I've been wandering my entire life. Aimlessly traversing the land, meeting countless people in countless cities, gaining no real achievement or wisdom from my experiences. I suppose at first I must have been running away from something, but after so long of running I've forgotten why I even started. Forgetfulness is a fatal flaw of mine if I'm being completely honest. I can remember my name, the fact that I am now 22 years old and that I've been travelling alone for far too long. Loneliness eats away at the soul until you as a person are nothing but an emotionless husk, staying alive and continuing the long race, hurdling at incomprehensible speeds towards the inevitability of your doom. Pathetic to think that the only reason that I have for waking up in the morning is my own subconscious need to fill the gaping black hole of my destitute self-actualization. The tendency that I have to get caught up in cynical, pragmatic thought spirals once again ran away with me; and as I pondered my existence and walked in solitude, I realized that I'd come across a populated area.
A bright and cosy town consisting of spruce cabins was suspended over the water on a dock-like foundation. The main plaza was dotted with little stalls, with people bustling around, selling goods and chatting happily. A boy dressed in a well-tailored three-piece suit with a green tie tucked into his blazer was having a serious-looking conversation with another man in formal dress. The boy had chocolate brown hair with tiny goat horns sprouting from his head and striking blue eyes. Despite the clear height and age difference, the boy seemed to be in charge of the other male.
"Big Q, we'll need more people if we're going to do that."
"I know Tubbo, but this is much more important than just New L'manberg-"
"Shh!" The younger of the two cut off his beanie-wearing companion quickly once he saw that I was able to listen in on their conversation.
"I'm sorry," I apologized honestly, not wanting to interrupt important business with my presence.
The horned boy shook his head with a kind smile.
"Nothing to worry about, we'll continue this conversation later," he directed his attention towards the older male for the last portion of his sentence, who nodded in solemn understanding before casting his eyes to me.
"Where are my manners? My name is Quackity, it's lovely to meet you," I shook his outstretched hand semi-cautiously, a bit intimidated by his charismatic personality.
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I'm Y/n. You'll have to forgive me for my rudeness, I'm new to the area. Whatever this town is called..." I replied, followed by a light-hearted sigh.
"This is New L'Manberg!" The blue-eyed boy piped up excitedly.
"And this here is the President himself," Quackity interrupted, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Oh come on, there's no need for titles here. Besides, we all know that you do more in the way of Presidential duties than I do, Big Q."
"You humble yourself, Tubbo. You've done more for this country than Schlatt - or ever Wilbur - ever did."
The goat-hybrid sighed in resignation.
"Alright, I suppose so. Sorry about that, Y/n. As Quackity said before, I'm Tubbo and I am the current President of this great nation."
I smiled at the boy's enthusiasm for his work as well as his apparent closeness with his friend.
"Well, it's a beautiful country."
"Thank you! I'm guessing you'll be staying for a while?" Tubbo asked curiously.
"I might as well. I'm interested in learning more about this place now," I decided with a hum.
"We'll get you some accommodation then," the President announced, beckoning for me to follow him.
I followed his lead with Quackity walking alongside me until we were met with a residential area lined by almost identical buildings. Tubbo chose an empty house and guided me inside.
"So, are you like a backpacker or something?" Quackity asked me while the three of us began setting up my new home.
"More of a nomadic traveller. I walk to new places, stay for a while, get to know the people and then head on my way," I explained.
"I see," he said with a nod.

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