Are you a detective?

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I looked at my behind and saw him. "Hi jack, merida, punzie , elsa. where is anna?" He asked. "she is a bit sick" and he looked at me "I am ast-" I said but he cut my sentence. "you are astid, you are the new girl. you are 17 and you carry an axe in your bag" he said. "wow, where do you know? Wait, are you a detective?" I asked and laughed."no, he just knows everything" elsa said. "not everything" hiccup said. "you know everything! You even know how a snail's brain work!" Merida said. "snails don't have brains, not kidding. really" punzie "you just proofed it now" she said.

"So, you know something about me, but you can't know my personality, right?"I said. "He knows" ruff whispered to my ear. "you get angry so easy, you are an athletic like parrots, and you have a one and her name is stormfly. you never been to paris but really wanted to go there" that's a bit creepy you know. he knows everything about me." Are you the real Sherlock Holmes?" He laughed. "no I am not"

"I better go to class" hiccup said. "Um okay" then he walked away. "that is a bit creepy that he knows everything" I said. "yea, and are you really carrying an axe in your bag?" Merida asked. "what? I need something to defend myself! And it is a kinda hoby for me to throw axes to peoples head" She laughed. "high five girl! I carry a bow in my bag, isn't funny!" Merida said. "I carry a frying pan in my bag" punzie said. "well, I have my hands to protect myself" ruff said. "I have the best thing to protect myself" elsa said and touched the table, a-a-nd oh my god. she froze the table! (A/N: I need her powers in this book, and jack has his powers too) "you are all crazy girls! A frying pan? Really punzie?" Jack said. "what? It really works!" She said. " by the way I am going to my class, astrid you and mine is the same. are you coming?" Merida asked. "sure!"

It was biology. I don't like biology cause you know, cutting frog's body isn't nice. "How does he knows everything about me?" I asked. "I don't know" she said and continued "it is kinda.. creepy"

"Hello students, I am mr anderson and I'll be your biology teacher" the lesson was boring, mr anderson talked all the lesson


I know it is kinda boring, but the 4th chapter is gonna better!

Protector of the weaknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora