I thin I have a crush on her

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"So, he is your cat?" She asked. "yea, he is toothless by the way" she loked at me "he has no teeth?" I laughed "no, his name is toothless" "what an awkward name" she said.

"I am going to the math class" I said. "mine is english, um bye then" I walked to the math class. I was good at math. And I know everything about math, so I don't listen the teacher. I just put my head on the desk during the lesson.

After the lesson, I just walked out I saw astrid. she was talking to the other girls, laughing and smiling.

Well, she is so beautiful. she has blue eyes and her beautiful blonde hair. 

I think I have a crush on her.

then she saw me and waved, snd contiuned talking to the girls.

"haha, I think you liked her" someone said who is my behind. I turned around, it was jack. "what? pft!" he laughed "yeah, yea whatever. so when are you gonna ask her?" he said. "oh c'mon! I will not ask her. we're just friends" he laughed, again. "just friends?"  he slowly hit my shoulder. "why is everyone hitting my shoulder? first astrid, then you!" he laughed.

you know, he kında laughs so much.

"well, you should ask her" I gave him a death glare "we're just friends!" he rasied an eyebrow. "hiccup, really? uh nevermind. but anytime, I can help. by the way I am going to the lunch, bye" he said and went.

in lunch, as always I sat in random table. "hi heather! why are you upset?" she looked at me and smiled. "nothing, just an unlucky day" (A/N: this book is not an astrid vs. heather book. actually, I kinda like her) "why an unlucky day?" I asked while siting next to her."well, some of the girls stealed my favourite t-shirt from my locker"  I know the girls. "let me guess, amberley and jessica" she nod. "don't worry, I'll get your shirt from them in no time" she smiled, and said "thanks hiccup"


heyo vikings, short chapter I know. 

and sorry for late update, I was in hospital. and I have an idea of putting a girl bf for astrid.

what do ya think?

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