Who was that?

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"Who were you with last night?" She asked me, we were in the park... Eating popcorn from the traveling fair. "Who was I with?" What do you mean? I wasn't with anyone, when?" I looked into my cone of popcorn, empty so I stole a piece of hers. "Last night, at the bridge I saw you." My eyes widened. "You were at the bridge?! You shouldn't go near Atlanta." She pushed my hand away from her cone. "Well I did, and I'd do it all again. You were with someone... Who was it!?" It could tell she knew who it was, she just wanted to hear me say it. "Trick,it was Trick. Ok." I stood up and pulled my hands out of my pockets. "And if you have a problem with that well- well it's none of your business actually." Franny Sat, small on the bench "I didn't say it was... I just wanted to know." Sat back down. "I see, I mean to be helping you, no intimidation needed." She smiled and threw the empty popcorn cone in the bin. "You still on that?" I frowned "I'm not on about nothing stupid, this is therapy." I said with a cheeky slightly sarcastic smile. "Therapy?" She said, raising one eyebrow. I nodded. "Therapy, you have to get used to talking to people. Go talk to that boy. I looked over at a boy of about our age in the corner of the rec swinging slowly back and forth on the swingset, I was pretty sure she wouldn't know him. "Why!? You can't just start talking to people." I looked at him again. "Yeah, your right, you tell him you need to borrow a quid." She looked disgusted, not sure why, I was always borrowing money... I'm still here to tell the tale. "Fine, if you won't... I will." I got up and strode over to the boy. "You aight?" I asked, a good conversation starter. He nodded "what's it to ya?" I held my hands raised upwards slightly "just asking! Look I gotta be forward, I need some money." He looked side to side "how much we talking, I'm carrying a load here." Oh dear, I just wanted a pound. "1... For my friend, she needs to use a payphone." He swallowed then looked over at Franny who smiled. He smiled back. "I ain't got it, I only have tenners... Plus the payphones round here cost hundreds, you may as well buy a mobile to call home on. There's some cheap ones down at the station, why don't you try your luck down there." I nodded and slipped my hands into my jacket pockets slowly. "Thanks, we'll go and check them out, bye." I said, as unthreatening as I could possibly be. I walked back over to Franny. "Come on, we have to go to the station." I tugged her arm and she stood up. "Station? No way, I hate trains." I snorted (again) and walked briskly out of the park gates. "No surprises there, we're not getting on a train anywhere, I told him you needed money for a payphone, so he's pointed us towards cheap phones at the station. Sorry!"

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