Shady Places

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Why did Miss James always have to use the chalkboard? We had an interactive whiteboard, an ordinary whiteboard, but the chalkboard... The chalkboard? I made horrid squeaky down when she wrote and whoever sat by it couldn't help but scratch their nails along it, it wasn't even a blackboard... It was green, green! What!? Anyway, Miss James was my geography teacher, this is what I was thinking as she scrawled the word 'adaptation in the rainforest' across the board. Miss James was about thirty-eight and nice enough, unmarried obviously. Everyone copied the title in their books. She started to talk "copy this down and underline it please. First we will be studying the ground, the plants and creatures who have adapted to living in shady areas." A boy from the back of the class called out "like all those kids in Atlanta rise?!" He laughed a deep boyish laugh. Miss James scowled at him and shook her head dismissively, "not funny Josh, there are some people in this class who come from Atlanta Rise, isn't that right William?" WHAT!? I do not live on Atlanta, why would she even think that? Do I look like I live in Atlanta, do I look skulky and hang around in big crowds at the skate park wasting my time not skating? I'm not like Bryce anymore, or Paddy, although I think ol' Pads will be much better looking than Bryce now, a troll would be better looking than Bryce now, I was surprised that Paddy wasn't with Bryce, from what Bryce said it sounded like they were inseparable, Pads always said he would carry on my position in the trade, buying and selling spray paints, and only using the reds, the pinks, the blacks and the whites, and occasionally, green. Black was essential, to get the broad outline on the piece. I wonder where Trick was going to now, if he really was at Bleckmoore or some place else, probably somewhere no one would ever find him, probably lost the nickname and calls himself Tyrone again. Shame really, he always hated that name, I thought Trick really suited him, what I wouldn't give to see him again. Out of all the lads, he would have changed the most. For definite. Sub conciously I had drawn a picture in the corner of my book of a boy with dark brown hair wearing a yellow Bleckmoore uniform... Trick. I didn't realise that I actually missed him, the Bleckmoore uniform was very disgusting, the jumper for starters, was not a jumper, it was a plain mustard sweatshirt with a long sleeved shirt underneath and a blue and mustard yellow tie, with standerdised school trousers from somewhere like m&s. My school uniform was dark grey and bergundy, I quite liked it, no tie which was relieving and black trousers, I wore black jeans. The jumper was god quality, I can feel it now, slightly scratchy, it was gun metal colour with bergundy round the sleeves and neckline. I think I'd have to leave school if the uniform was yellow. Miss James wandered over to the interactive whiteboard, I don't anybody could believe it, she plugged in her laptop and clicked on ClickView and into the geography file, and adaptation in the rainforest. The video loaded and on came the title screen,  it had pictures of trees at first then a friendly looking sloth peeped around from around one of the branches and the video started someone got up out of their seat to switch the lights off, the man on the video started talking, how did I guess? It was a man with a deep soft voice, pretentious and posh. Some David Attenborough wannabe. 

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