Hit the Streets

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"Let's hit the streets then." I frowned at Trick and lifted up my hat, shushed my hair around a bit then put it back on. "The streets? Can't I just go home now?" Trick laughed a deep evil laugh and smirked at me. "Na, you're gonna be out for a while yet..." I was suddenly even more scared and had I been less tense, I could have peed my pants. "Out? Where are we going, Trick, it's not gonna be dangerous is it?!" He laughed maniacly "of course not, we're just going to see some... Friends...." I sighed, friends were trusting and unthreatening, plus if they were Trick's friends I might know them from school! I now had a slight spring in my step as the snow continued to fall. We approached Atlanta where there was a large group of boys our age a slightly older all wearing snapbacks identical to ours.. Only Red, it hit me, he'd lied, we weren't meeting friends at all, we were going to pick a fight with the Reds. He peeked over the fence and yelled "oi!" They all looked around and in the middle I saw, Bryce. Trick nocked my hat off of my head and onto the pavement, he whispered to me. "Leave it." We legged it into an abandoned multi-storey and up onto the third level. There was someone following us, I could hear them. "I know you're in here you dirty greys! I have your hat!" Trick looked at me seriously and crouched down in a corner. "Stay absoloutely silent, otherwise we're dead meat. Got it?" I nodded and followed him by also crouching. There were several off them now, the Reds prowling about on the first and second floor, I was praying they wouldn't find the third level, it was a tight squeeze coming up, there was only a broken lift and toilets on this level, no actual carpark. There were even more now. They were multiplying. All shouting and eventually one would peer from up the top of the ladder and spot us. Trick came very close to me and whispered. "If one comes up here, lay low and cimb into the elevator." I nodded, I didn't want to go in the lift at all, it was almost certain we'd get stuck, but it's better that than them finding out that I'm the one with the missing hat. Then it happened four of them spilled out from over the ladder. One of them carrying my hat. Two of them looked almost identical to Bryce, but blonde, they had to have been twins. Another had a blonde quiff and one big diamante earring in his right ear and a chunky, blingy, tacky bracelet round his wrist, that's the one carrying my hat. The other's face was covered in freckles and had a mop of curly dark brown hair, he was very short and had a face like a pig. They trudged in and started roaming around smashing in window and slamming toilet doors. Trick and I had started crawling toward the lift when one of them spotted us, the one holding my hat he darted for us and we got up and ran we managed to get in there, the door was stiff but it was moving, we pulled it across, as we were about ten centimetres from closing it completely the boy reached in for us, his hand got trapped in the door, it was crushed, spewing blood everywhere. I grabbed my hat out of the mangled hand and put it on my head, there was a tiny crack in the door, the boy peered through and shot daggers at us through one eye. "You keep your stuff away from us Reds yeah!?" Both me and Trick nodded quickly and pushed the door open a little so he could pull the disgusting excuse for a hand out of the crack. Once he pulled it out we closed the door completely, it was pitch black, apart from the slight flicker from the LED buttons which read 1,2 and 3. But still, we couldn't see anything. There was suddenly a huge mechanical bang and the elevator dropped to floor B1 we didn't even know was there. We managed to shift the door back in the other direction and climb out. I whispered to Trick. "Where are we?" Trick shook his head and shrugged, the lights were flickering on and off, we were clearly underground, there was also a constant sound of water trickling. I heard someone landing in the bottom of the lift I gasped and turned around, I could see someone in the half light, it was the boy again, I noticed his hand still dripping with blood. She ran for me and jumped on my back, I landed on the floor, my arm all skewiff, I yelped and Trick came over to me. "Stay strong buddy, I'm gonna go and knock out some of those yomps upstairs." I heard him ran off and pull himself up the lift. "No! Stay!" I pleaded, but he was gone, the boy had me on the floor and was banging my head against the concrete with his bloody hand. "Stop it! Stop it now!" I suddenly found the strength to throw him off, but my arm was crippled, I thought it was broken. I shrieked letting him know I was coming and ran towards him throwing a hard punch, making his lip and nose bleed. I just wanted to flee this carpark. So I did I ran and hoisted my body up the lift and on to the first floor knocking a couple of Reds off track on their way down, I ran straight across to the corner of the carpark and out of it. I sprinted down the street, thinking, I am more than this. I don't need it. I heard Trick give a yelp, stay strong buddy. I thought, my arm was killing me and my nose was running with blood, I wasn't looking where I was going and banged into someone. "Sorry." I said, I looked up from my feet. It was Franny. I shook my head. "No, no, it's not what it looks like, I didn't, I swear!" She looked incredibly furious. "Spare me the talk. I can't believe I ever trusted you." I had no idea where she was off to, but I didn't care, I thought about how I'd focused on being her friend, and she's all I cared about. Had I just lost her?...After all that, it couldn't be the end.

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