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Everything was gone, I hadn't Franny for what seemed like an age, it was in actual fact tow weeks and I assumed our Christmas day deal was off. I had broken my arm, my right arm, so I couldn't write. It was in a sling, soo convenient for a Christmas right? But I hadn't seen Trick either, I was staying well away from there after that experience. I couldn't have been more scared. Christmas was edging closer, on only three days till Christmas eve now, but I wasn't excited, I hadn't asked for anything that year. Nothing at all, all I wanted was my best friend back. I tried texting her and calling her, but no response. People said she'd made friends with two other new girls. Pattie and Alexa, hard to believe but I would have believed anything given my situation. Franny could have pulled one hair out of her head and I would have been interested, I wanted any news about her that I could lay my hands on. I even tried going round her house but I went yellow belly and was too afraid to knock. The sight of Celeste would have made me break down and cry, I think I loved her. And I know that because when she was gone... It hurt, my everything hurt. I even felt like going to graffiti it again. But I couldn't step out of the house. Anyhow, it was December 21st and everyone was excited about Christmas... Bar me. Call me what you look, Scrooge of 2012... Ultimate bah humbug, killjoy, fun sucker, even party pooper! I didn't care, I was glued to the sofa and I was living off Heinz tomato soup. Mum came and sat down at the edge of the sofa. "You know, I don't know exactly what happened between you two, but you were meant for each other... Friendwise that is. You should sort it out rather than just sulking." I sighed and picked up the TV remote. "She's not communicating, I feel lost without her." Mum leant over and kissed my forehead. "Funny that, I thought you said you were helping her overcome something... But, looking at you now I would say she was there just as much for your benefit than you were there for hers." I selected a channel, Comedy central, ironic that, given that I was not in the mood for laughing. I looked at my mum "What's that supposed to mean?" She shrugged and sighed. "Just something for you to chew on." She left the room taking my mug which once held a hot brew of soup. I ignored her and dismissed the episode of South Park I was Watching and flicked to something else, man was I a mess.

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