Should I?

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"It would break your mum." Franny said, we were discussing whether Tricks offer was really all that bad. "I know, I hate seeing her sad aswell." Franny looked down at the floor, it was now the Christmas holiday and we'd known each other for a whole school term. "Don't do it, and if you do spare her and don't tell her, she shouldn't be worrying over Christmas." We were walking up the main high street near her house. "I don't think I will, I don't want to." Franny frowned, she obviously couldn't understand the dilemma. "If you don't want to, them don't... Simple, isn't it?" I shrugged. "Sort of, but not really, he'll hound me into it. I just know." We entered ' Martin's' and scanned the highly stacked shelves. "Just say no" I laughed. "Easy for you to say," she laughed too, I was hoping it wouldn't offend her. "I won't see him again... Just for you, on one condition." She smiled. "Go on..." I picked up to packets of chewitts and walked over to the counter. "You haven't lived here for long have you?" Franny shook her head quickly and I handed over my money. "Half a year." I nodded slowly. "Right... On Christmas day, as soon as it starts to get dark around 4:30 meet me in the village square. So long as you do that, I won't meet Trick again." Franny appeared from around the other side of the shelf and looked me in the eyes. "Deal," The man at the counter looked at us and Franny put a Mars bar on his counter. "That'll be 75p please young lady." Franny gave him the coins. And we walked out of the shop, I pointed to a spot in the middle of the village square, "right there." I said. She gulped. "Willy?" I looked at her. "You know love never worked for my Mum?" I nodded slowly. "And I thought I could never fall in love and besides I'm too young anyhow?" I nodded again and looked up at the sky, it was 6:00 and a clear night, the stars were shining brightly and it was starting to snow lightly. "Do you think it's possible that I may have actually fallen in love?" I looked at her and squeezed her hand, they were cold so I warmed them in my gloves. "Of course... Even babies can fall in love." I looked down then into her eyes. "Who have you fallen for?" I swallowed apprehensively. "Nobody in particular, I was just asking." She looked down. "And Willy?" We strolled across the square back to her house slowly. "Yeah?" I responded Looking round at her slowly. Squinting in the snow. "That thing you said, before about flying and falling. I understand it now, it all makes sense and it is the most beautiful thing I've heard." She blinked a small piece of snow away from her eye. "Ever." I appreciated this, her tone was very genuine and it sent shivers down my spine. I smiled "it's Alex isn't it?" She frowned... but smiled at the same time. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?" She asked she acted like I'd just spoken gibberish to her. "Alex McDougall, you sit next to him in English... he's the one, the one you've fallen for?" I was only a joke, I'm not good in deep situations, I tend to say something a little awkward, luckily she knew I was joking and laughed. "No way, not a chance, he'd be lucky!" I laughed back, and we walked, in the early late December snow, laughing, I couldn't have dreamed of a better situation.

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