Pure Happiness

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The next week before Christmas we spent all our time together, and then it happened. One night after we'd been out snowballing with a couple of other friends from school I came home, my clothes were soaking. I unlocked the door and shouted "Mum... I'm home!" She was upstairs with Bobby-Joe "Okay, if you have any wet clothes just pop 'em on the radiator!" I looked over to my bedside table, my phone was all lit up. I didn't dare look, I took off my top and sat on my bed, I picked up my phone, it was a facebook message.... From Trick. 'Meet me at the bridge. Otherwise I'll find you' against all my better instincs I typed back. 'Course. Meet you there ASAP' what would Franny think? Ya know what, I didn't care. I wanted this... Sort of, did I, I didn't know. But I did it anyway.

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