A Mansion

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I was going round Franny-Ruth's she got driven home but not today, she wanted to walk like I do everyday. It was snowing... In October, the weather was rapidly changing. We approached Franny's house, or should I say the front gates? How come I was right? How come she did have a house standing on it's own, how could she not love that? "I thought you said you didn't like your house?" Franny pulled a key out of her pocket and unlocked the big front door. "I don't, it's expensive and pretentious, mum insists we buy all sorts of decorations and stuff for inside, stuff you see on holiday in foreign markets. I wish we had a smaller house, but mums happy and Chris is happy, so I guess I should be happy." I was confused suddenly "hold up a second. Who's Chris?" Franny-Ruth sighed "Chris is mums boyfriend, he's really nice to me and buys me things and spoils me rotten, he treats me like his daughter really, but he'll never be my dad, let's face it. N o matter how hard he tries we'll never have that father daughter bond like others, it kind of upsets me sometimes." She pushed the door open and dragged her feet along the boot scraper. "Take your shoes off these carpets are brand new." I tugged on my shoes and they slipped off. "I think I win our competition eh? What do you say?" Franny smiled and called her mum "I think it's a tight deal but you may have it in the bag." I smiled cheekily, suddenly a tall woman wearing a business style skirt suit came bustling into the hallway from the kitchen, if it wasn't Franny's mother then it would have been her twin. She had long dark hair and big green eyes just like Franny. She was holding a blackberry (phone) and flashed me a smile quickly. She kissed Franny's head and said "I'll be back around seven, there's a problem at the office and I have to wait about for the train because the Mercedes is being valeted. Heat up dinner when your hungry. Chris will be back in about an hour .Love you." And with that, she left. I was thinking one thing. Wow. I opened my eyes wide and looked back in awe "was that your mum?!" Franny sighed "'fraid so, and what a handful she is trying to live with, I wonder if Celeste's home, she's my opare, my mum like worships her because she does everything around the house and in the kitchen. I was middle named after her, except she's not French, she's Spanish, speaks English but certainly not fluently, good job I'm a whiz in Spanish class eh?" We both laughed, although we both knew that wasn't funny nor witty. We trundled into the kitchen and there was a short stocky woman there of about the age of 35 with her dark brown hair scraped into a bun. "What did Mum leave for us Celeste?" Celeste looked up, she had dark stay eyes "well your mother left you toast and beans... Uh, ah beans on toast... But I make you a, ahh uh, special omelette, just for you and friend." I smiled, she seemed nice, I was ready for my special omelette that's for sure. "Sounds great, Celeste... Celeste!" Celeste had turned her back and . was singing loudly to the radio, when Franny snapped her out of it she chuckled joyfully and turned down the radio "Que mi uno chica fiesta?" Franny leant over the work surface "this is Willy, we are going to go up to the game room, k?" Celeste nodded quickly, she seemed constantly flustered and busy. "Si, si, have fun pequenos monos." She smiled and waved us off. Out of earshot I whispered to Franny "what did she call us?" Franny laughed and rested her chin on the banister "firstly she's called me a one girl party then she called us little monkeys." I giggled then stared up the spiralling staircase "do you really have a game room?" Franny smiled and nodded "why would I lie?" She led me up the stairs to a octagonal room with lots of Windows in it, obviously it let in a lot of light. "My Mum had the game room built as soon as we moved in, sort of just for fun." I was shocked, who would extend there house just for fun, that is a lot of money! "Blimey, what do you do in here?" Franny laughed and looked at me blankly "play games..." I felt utterly stupid, I sighed "Ohhh, of course you do..."

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