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Author's Note:

Hello! This is the first story published on my account! I have a lot of stuff that I'm writing, but I'm only ever going to publish what's finished, which... Isn't that many, this is the only story I've been able to finish in a good few years. :') Anywho, my writing style may not be the best, but it's improved a lot from when I was younger, and I hope it continues to improve! I hope you enjoy this story; I've been working on it since 2017, and even though it isn't long and shouldn't have taken years to finish, it did due to intense writer's block!


(this story is a horror story and will contain graphic content, don't read if you're uncomfortable with things like that.)

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I looked up and gasped, tensing up as I suddenly collided with the ground, my best friend Asher right on top of me. "Dammit, Ash!" I snapped, shoving him off and sitting up, causing him to laugh. When I looked up, I saw Charlie running up to us, jumping to the side and wall riding the lockers a little, before dropping back down to the ground, right in front of us. Heidi was slowly following after her, twiddling her fingers shyly. "WOOO! I am ready! We are finished with school, and it's winter break! Time to party!" Charlie yelled, fist bumping the air. Ash sat up and did the same, laughing. "Hell yeah!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up, dusting myself off as I then noticed Taylor heading over to us with his sister, Cassidy.

We had just finished school today, and Taylor had invited us to the mountains to camp out at this huge cabin his parents owned. Christmas was only a week away, and we wanted to celebrate for doing well on our state tests. Getting drunk and partying with all our friends was a go to when it came down to this group.

There were ten of us, and we were all very different from each other. There was Asher Chambers, the boy I considered to be one of my best friends, despite our pretty different personalities. Asher is quite the party guy, and loves to fool around. He's very outgoing and wild, but... I care about him a lot. Despite our personalities being a bit different, he's there for me, and that's all I could ask for. I'm more quiet and reserved, but when you're in this group of friends, you can't help but come out of your shell and become a louder version of yourself. So even though we're all different from one another, we still have a great connection and a lot in common. We help balance the other out.

Asher plays basketball and is really good at it, and sometimes he occasionally lifts weights. He had fluffy brown hair, opposite of my straight, jet black hair. He was also quite a bit taller than me, standing at a maximum of six feet, so I looked very small compared to him with my whopping height of 5'9. He was a pretty overly affectionate guy with all of us, but... Honestly, we all were with each other. Way too touchy.

Next there was Charlie Lynch. Charlie, just like Ash, was also a party animal. But she was more of a rocker than he was. He also enjoyed the occasional heavy metal, but she was really into it. Like... Super into it. She was someone you'd see in the mosh pit, flailing all around and knocking people in the jaw. She even dressed the part of a rocker, always wearing some cool ass punk clothes; her hair was shaved all around, only leaving the top, blonde fluffiness that she always had combed back, as well as sometimes pulled back in what people call a "man bun" or whatever. Charlie was a cool girl though, and people throughout school definitely knew her as the hardcore lesbian in our group. I think everyone should have a chick like Charlie in their group, she was always the life of the party. Because of her and Asher's crazy antics, our group was one that did not go unrecognized, that's for sure.

Of course, can't leave out our Latina beauty, Heidi Munoz. She was shy and kept to herself, but her smile could light up a whole room. Don't let her shy, quiet self fool you though, she's actually got a great sense of humor and can make all of us laugh with just saying something random. She was fun to hang out with, even if she doesn't think so. She always tended to wear a grey jacket over all her shirts, and her hair was straight and black, always having one part of it braided next to her bangs. She had a very soft spoken voice and sometimes sounded like a cute little mouse. Don't get me wrong though, if you did make her mad, she had the habit of cussing you out in Spanish, always rambling her words really fast together. We never knew what the hell she was saying, but we knew it wasn't something pretty.

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