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We all were breathing heavily, taking deep breaths and trying to recollect our thoughts about everything that had happened. "Is everyone okay?" Mason asked, looking at all of us. We nodded, except Patience who quickly sat down on the couch, resting her legs on the coffee table. "My ankles hurt," she whined, hyperventilating as tears fell down her face. I approached her and sat down on the table, removing her shoes and socks and gently rolling her semi ripped tights up, causing her to hiss a bit when my fingers brushed against her skin. "Holy shit," I whispered.

Everyone approached and let out an audible gasp at what they saw. Dark bruises and multiple, bloody scratches were all over her leg, and they were pretty deep; three in a row in different spots. "Shit, I'll get a first aid kit! Taylor, you sit down too. Your knuckles are bleeding," Mason ordered before rushing to a different room.

Taylor pulled his shirt up and took out the ouija board that was tucked halfway in his pants, as well as the planchette that was in his pocket, dropping them both on the table and sitting down next to Patience. He looked down at her legs and frowned, pushing his hair back out of his face. "What the fuck hap--"

"She was dragged, Taylor! Ripped out of my grip and dragged through the mines... By whatever was in that fucking basement," I seethed, feeling my eyes well up with tears, a few escaping and falling down my face just from looking at what that thing did to my little sister.

Mason ran back in and put the first aid kit down on the table, getting out what he needed for Taylor, while I grabbed out some stuff to treat Patience's wounds. "I don't think it's all in my head anymore," I began, shaking my head as I started to tend to Patience's cuts, my mind racing with the memories of everything that had happened.. "I don't think it was ever in my head. The things I was seeing, I... I think something wanted us down there... That was planned."

Taylor looked up at me while Mason cleaned up the cuts on his hand before wrapping it up. "What do you mean?" He inquired. I frowned, swallowing nervously. "I... I found every way that led to the place you wanted to go... If I didn't follow where the things I was seeing were showing me, we would have never made it down to the basement, if you think about it. 'Cause we were getting lost and turned around left and right," I explained. Taylor frowned, glancing away. It seemed he was starting to feel bad for doubting the things I was seeing.

I finished fixing up Patience, then reached up, running my trembling fingers through my hair, Asher immediately pulling me in and kissed my forehead in hopes to soothe me. "You're sensitive," Heidi blurted out. We all looked up at her with confusion. She hugged herself, frowning. "I can feel it... Cause I am, too. Did you... Start to notice things around you at a young age? But just never paid attention to it? Or... Things came to you... Maybe in your dreams?" She asked.

My eyes widened and I stood up, staring at her. "I never told anyone that. I-I've seen things my whole life, but... I had a traumatic fucking childhood, so I just thought it was all caused by that and... I tuned it out and the more I ignored it, the more I saw it in my dreams," I admitted. Heidi frowned and nodded, looking down. "I was the same... I've tuned things out my whole life, but still live a life in fear of what I see and hear... I think they call people like that mediums... But I'm not sure. I know there's different forms and words for it, but... All I know is that I could feel you were sensitive... T-To spirits or something, like I was. I think because you tuned it out like you did, you repressed the part of you that could communicate with them. So they stopped coming to you... Only every now and then appearing to you in a dream," she denoted, shifting nervously.

"So... I-I can see ghosts?" I asked, brows furrowed in disbelief. Heidi shrugged, still looking down. "M-More or less. Everyone can see some form of ghosts, but it's easier for some than others. There's many different types of mediums too, and everyone experiences things differently... But two people who are very sensitive to energies in the same room... Of a place a lot of death happened... I think something planned it as well... In all my life, I've never felt something so evil like I did back there... And I'm sure you saw it and felt it, too. Because you can't repress that amount of evil... It'll show itself," she revealed.

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