9) Whisky Peak

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I may have tweaked a few things to fit how I wanted this to go. The change from the original concept will be obvious. You'll see. Trigger warning for this chapter


[Kou (Y/N)'s POV]

I was sitting on the deck beside a sleeping Zoro. I was trying to sleep myself, but it was fun watching Usopp and Luffy build snowmen outta the snow that fell onto the deck. "Alright! It's done! This is the man that fell from the sky, Mr. Snow Barrel!" Luffy said, proud of his accomplishment.

Usopp laughed. "That's a boring snowman."

"What?!" Luffy raised a brow.

Usopp presented his snowman. "Behold! My soulful masterpiece! The Snow Queen!"

"Woah! That's incredible!" Luffy praised. "Okay, now Snow Barrel punch!" Luffy launched a stick into Usopp's snowman. Successfully hitting and messing it up. The head of it now missing.

"Eh!? What the hell are you doing?!" Usopp destroyed Luffy's snowman with a kick since Luffy did the same to his.

"Ahh! Mr. Snow Barrel!" Luffy shouted.

They started to throw snowballs at each other. Getting more intense each time.

"Nami-san! How much longer shall I keep shoveling this snow of love?!" Sanji asked Nami with heart eyes.

"Please continue shoveling until it stops snowing, Sanji-kun!" Nami said.

"Hai, Nami-san!" Sanji responded.

On top of the snowing, there had been sudden lightning as well. Out of nowhere, Nami screamed.

"What? What is it?" Usopp asked.

"What's the matter?" Luffy asked.

"What's wrong Nami-san?!" Sanji asked, worriedly.

"It's impossible! Turn the ship around 180 degrees! Hurry up!" Nami ordered.

"180 degrees? Why're we going back?" Usopp questioned.

"Did you forget something?" Luffy asked.

"No! The ship somehow has turned around and is going back the way we came!" Nami informed, looking at the log pose. "I only took my eyes off the log pose for a second! The waves were calm earlier..." Nami started giving out orders. "Brace the yard! We'll take the wind from the starboard. Turn the ship 180 degrees to the left! Usopp, take care of the lateen sail!"

"Aye, aye!" Usopp responded.

"Sanji-kun, take the helm!" Nami commanded.

"Hai! Leave it to me, Nami-san~!" Sanji replied.

"You guys, I'm counting on you!" Nami said.

"Oi, wait! The wind has changed!" Usopp notified.

"No way!" Nami said.

"It's the first wind of spring!" Mr. 9 said.

"But why!?" Nami said, confused.

"Zoro! Wake up! Don't just sleep there while snow accumulates on you! Kou, you get up too!" Usopp pointed at me. "Wake him up!"

When he spoke to me I looked around. Then I pointed to myself. "Are you talking to me?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Who else on this ship has your name?!" Usopp yelled at me.

"True. But I also don't wanna get up." I leaned my head back onto the railing and looked away from Usopp.

"Oi!" Usopp yelled, annoyed, but let me be after I was unresponsive.

Why Are You Two Twins!? (Sanji x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ