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おまえ わ おれ の なかま だ!!! -This is more of a note for me, so ignore this-

Oh, but this is for you --> I decided I was too lazy to write out Arlong Park and it really wasn't necessary for this story. Plus you guys already know what happened or you wouldn't be reading this.


[Kou (Y/N)'s POV]

A bit ago Luffy had told me to stay out of this fight. I could think of a reason why he had said it as well. It hurt to just watch from the sidelines and not be able to fight for Nami's sake. After I had heard the situation she was in, I wanted to go and kill Arlong myself. Instead, I just comforted Nami and told her to believe in Luffy, for he would beat Arlong no matter what it took.

Then Luffy did do it. He beat Arlong. He was all bloody from the fight that occurred. "NAMI!!" We heard Luffy yell. "OMAE WA ORE NO NAKAMA DA!!!" (Nami! You are my friend!).

Nami cried at that while I just rubbed circles on her back in order to comfort her.

"He won! No, we won! Arlong Park has fallen!!" The people of Cocoyashi Village rejoiced at the freedom they had once again. They threw Luffy up into the air several times.

I hugged Nami for the victory that was won and to my surprise, she hugged back. I was honestly expecting her to hit me over the head. "I'm happy for you Nami. You don't have to bear a burden on your shoulders any longer. We're Nakama and we've got each others back, ok?" I told her, pulling away from the hug.

She nodded and said, "Of course! The same goes for you as well!" She smiled.

"Definitely. Now, go and talk with those in your village. I'm sure they want to talk to you," I gestured towards the villagers waiting a few feet away. Nami thanked me and went to the villagers. After she left I let out a sigh and started to walk away from them but was stopped by Sanji calling out to me. "Hm? Yes, Sanji? Do you need something?" I asked.

"I... I wanted to apologize for earlier," Sanji said looking down.

"Apologize? For what? You didn't do anything wrong," I said.

"I did. I was so mad earlier that I assumed you were going to insult my soup as well. I didn't really want you to leave at that moment if I'm being honest... You really were always on my side since the moment you arrived. Thank you," he smiled. His smile was really warming.

I waved off his apology, "No need to thank me blondie. I just did what I thought was the right decision. Just as Red Foot Zeff had said. You also don't need to apologize for something like that. It wasn't serious and you were hurt that Red Foot Zeff had made you feel you weren't good enough even though you are more than enough. So don't worry about it," I smile slightly and pat his shoulder before heading off into the small forest they had on the island in order to clear my head.

[Sanji's POV]

Kou smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder as if he was reassuring me before heading off a way that was separate from everyone else. He had a serious look on his face as he turned from me. I wanted to follow him but decided against it in the end. I turn to the others, immediately seeing the ladies and heading over to them. "Why hello ladies! How are you today?" I asked sweetly. Some of them giggled, which I found adorable. I had to hold back on getting a nosebleed from it.

"We're doing well," One Mademoiselle spoke up with a slight smile on her face.

"Well, that is lovely! Would you lad-" I got cut off as I was being pulled away by the collar of my shirt. "W-WHO THE FUCK!?!?" I managed to spit out, then whoever had pulled me had finally let me go, causing me to stumble. I turned to see it was the damn marimo. "What do you want marimo!?" I growled, unpleased that I was dragged from the ladies.

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